Where am I?

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His vision was blurry. His head ached. He rubbed his head and slowly stood up. Formaa rubbed his eyes and widened them in shock. He was in a big room. About ten people were lifting weights, five threw a ball around, and fifteen started jogging. Then, a girl ran up to Formaa. "Hey, rookie. What's your name?" The girl asked. She was wearing an olive green bomber jacket, black sweats, and she had long orange hair. "Um...Formaa. And you?" Formaa asked. "Sky." She said. "Um...where am I?" Formaa asked, looking around. "You're at the bomb raiders facility. This is the challenge arena. Basically, you have to survive on the field for two minutes, while bombs are raining from the sky. If your health bar hits 0, you're done here.... dead." Sky replied. " Formaa looked around once more, concerned. "Hey, don't worry. Follow me and you'll be fine. I'm a level four." Sky said, putting her arm over formaa's shoulder. Formaa started blushing and looked at a screen. "The round is starting soon..." Formaa said. Suddenly, a voice buzzed out a speaker. "GET READY FOR THE NEXT ROUND! SINCE WE HAVE A ROOKIE, THIS ROUNDS INTENSITY WILL BE 1.75!" The voice yelled. "Huh, 1.75. Easy." Sky mumbled. "What's the highest it can go?" Formaa asked. "5.0" Sky replied. Suddenly, they were warped onto a field. "3!" The voice yelled. "Ohhh nooo!" Formaa yelled. "2!" The voice yelled. "Relax! Just follow me!" Sky said. "ONE!" The voice screamed. Formaa got closer to sky. "GOOOOOO!" The voice screamed. Everybody ran around. Sky pulled Formaa's arm and they ran under a tree. "Look. Never trust anyone besides me. They can have an offense skill. I once trusted someone with an offense skill. Dude, they dropped a piano on my head. Knocked me out. When I woke up, I had five health." Sky explained. Suddenly, a bomb rolled next to them. "Run!" Sky yelled. Formaa took off, running. Sky followed but slipped. The bomb blew up, with her caught in the debris. "SKY!" Formaa yelled. Suddenly, someone ran behind him. "Look up!" The guy yelled. Formaa looked up and saw a piano falling towards him. He jumped back and watched as the piano collapsed on the guys head. "Brian the barbarian has been defeated! Good job, rookie!" Formaa ran to sky. "I'm fine... that only did five damage. Now you really gotta worry about the nukes. Those appear when there is only twenty seconds left." Sky said. "Phew." Formaa mumbled. Suddenly, someone charged towards sky with a sword. They swung. Formaa punched him in the gut and grabbed his sword. He stabbed the guy in the back and kicked him in the ground. "Luke is down! Only one minute left!" The voice yelled. "Watch out! An ice bomb!" Sky yelled. She grabbed formaas arm and took off. But it was too late. The bomb hit the ground. Covering 1/4 of the field in ice. Sky and Formaa were stuck in an ice cube together. "A nuke!" Sky yelled, pointing up. Formaa closed his eyes and curled up into a ball. "Ten seconds remain!" The voice yelled. The nuke was getting closer and closer. Then, the nuke tapped the ice. "Game over!" The voice yelled. Everyone was warped back to the lobby, and sky and Formaa watched as the nuke blew up the entire map. "Come on, I have to show you something." Sky said, with a spark in her eyes.

   (Lmao next chapter features mature content so just warning you fam lololol)

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