Kate Duncan and Bradie Webb

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"Your the best Kate." Imagin said hugging me. I'm stuck taking my younger sister and her bestfriend to see Short Stack's new tour concert 'this is bat country' i think is what it's called.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Mel, my seventeen year old sister, said for the thousandth time in the past five minutes. Our mum said she could only go if I did and me being the best sister ever agreed.

“I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean it’s just three guys playing instruments.” I say making a whole heap of scary looking chicks glare at me.

“You’re gonna get us killed.” Imagin, my sisters bestfriend, accused as we got to the front of the line.

"Tickets." The dude at the front of the line said in a monotone voice. Imagin handed the tickets over adn we started to walk in. "Wait!" The ticket guy said. "You are the hundreth person." He said as if we were suppose to know what that meant.

"And?" I ask with a slight hint of attitude.

"Backstage pass for you and your friends." He said handing me a piece of paper that went around my neck on a chain. no way am i wearing that on my neck! Imagin and Mel looked like they were about to faint.

"So...let's ok." I say moving towards the really bug buff dude standing near the stage. Mel and Imagin didn't move they were so pale. Dear lord! i grab their arms and drag them to the buff dude and showed him my pass, he let as through which is when Mel and Imagin went all crazy and started to jump up and down on the spot holding each others hands. i slowly walked off, using my ninja skills to get as far away from them as i could.

"Don't leave us!" Imagin cried as she ran up to me.

"Oh my god!" I shriek. the girls faces looked scared.

'What?!" The two of them say.

"You-your make-up..." I say putting on a scared face.

'What about it?" Mel cried.

"It's smudged!" I shout in my best fake shocked voice. Mel grabbed a mirror out of god knows where and started fixing her make-up that didn't need to be fixed. She 'had to look her best for Shaun Diviney' as if he would actuallu notice her...wait we are backstage so they most likely will...oh well, i think she looks better without it but...you know can't do nothin about it. I felt my phone vibrate and i took it out to check the message.

Swimming training tomorrow 4pm- mum

At least i know when the next training sesh is. They said we were going to have the next week off due to one of the coaches being sick. Just because one coach is sick doesn't mean everyone should have time off.

Ok, i'll be there.-Kate

I sent back as i put my phone away.

"Your a liar! My make-up is fine." Mel said pushing my arm lightly, little weakling.

"Oh my god!" Imagin whisper squeaked, "It's Andrew Clemmensen." She said only loudly enough for myself and Mel to hear. You see Imagin had a little...no wait a massive crush on Andrew Clemmensen, whilst my sister had a crush on Shaun Diviney. i don't see how those guys are so immature, but then again so are Mel and Imagin.

"Hey," Bradie Webb, the cutest out of the three; in my opinion, said. "Which one is the luck hundreth?" He asked looking at the three of us.

"She is." Mel said pushing me forward.

"Hello I'm Bradie, this is Shaun and the idiot over there is Andy. And you girls are?" He asked looking at me.

'This is my sister Mel and her bestfriend Imagin and I'm Kate. Nice to meet you." i say shaking their hands. We spent the next haf an hour talking about random things and suprisingly it was great fun but then the guys got called onto the stage because it was time to perform.

"Good luck guys." Mel said giving Shaun a hug..

"Don't forget you have to sing Back of my Head." Imagin said, she is obbssed with that song, "Don't fall again Andy." Ha i remember Imagin and Mel showing me this video continusly of Andy falling down into the crowd on one of their concerts. The boys were looking at me...oh yeah i have to say something.

"Break a leg?" I ask hesitantly with a small smile on my face.

"Good enough." Bradie said kissing my cheek and walking onto the stage.

"Hello Melbourne!" Shaun shouted into the mic, "How are we this fine evening?" The crowd replied wih a lot of shouting.

'Alright our first song is Are you Afraid of the Dark." Andy said as Bradie started playing the beat for the song. They then played The Cross, PLanets, Werewolves, The Cannons, We Dance to a Different Disco, Honey, The Mecury, Heartbreak Made Me a Killer, Wendy, Sweet December, Ruby Red, The thunder, Jack the Ripper, Sweet Emergency, Die Young Stay Pretty and Nothing at all.

"Alright now before our final song, i have had a requeast from a very special lady by the name of Imagin to sing Back of my Head." Andy said loudly in the mic. I saw Imagin blush, "Come on out Imagin." Imagin backed away but Andy ran off stage and grabbed her throwing her over his shoulder he brought her out and sat her on one of those step things Andy steps on during concerts. Shaun grabbed Mel but she sat down so he dragged her whilst she was sitting down onto the stage. The crowd were either laughing or glaring.

"This is Kate, everyone say hello Kate." Bradie said as he dragged me onto the stage.

'Your creating a scene." I whisper to Bradie.

"you'll get use to it." He whispered back as he took me to the drums.

"HELLO KATE!" The audience shouted. I glared at Bradie who just smiled.

"So here is Back of my Head. Would you liked to sing it with me girls?" Andy asked as. Imagin grabbed the mic, i shook my head and sat with Bradie and Mel just stayed on the ground.

'I hate you." Imagin whispered to Andy.

'Nah ya love me." Andyh said into the mic making Imagin slap his arm playfully. After that song thne crowd cheered and the three of us girls started to get off stage but Bradie stopped me.

"Nah stay here.." He said holding my hand. I sat back down and looked over to Mel and Imagin on the side of the stage who were winkning at me.

"The final song for the evening is Bat Country! Thanks for coming out folks!" Shaun shouted as Bradie yet again started the beat to the song. Bradie handed me his drumsticks as we walked off the stage.

"Kepp them." he said after i tried giving them back.

"Well...if you insist." I say smiling.

"I was...um wondering if...you would...maybe...go out to lunch with me tomorrow." He mumbled, "I get it if you don't want to because we have only just met." He rambled quickly. I kissed his cheek.

"I would love to." I say.

"Good pick you up at say 12?" Bradie asked.

"Perfect i say as we walk to the others. I think this has been the best day of my life.


Do you like it?? Is it to suckii?? Should it be longer or shorter?? Let me know please =D

Rose Xx

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