part 1;

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"Oh for god's sakes, Reese! It isn't that bad!" Melanie says to me as she pulls me into a loud night club.

She knows more than anyone else how much I hate these kinds of places.

Loud music, dirty dancing, drunk people at every corner....

What was all the hype about?

All I can hear is an eardrum-popping beat as we push the rusty, metal door open.


I immediately lose my sister in the crowd.

Looking like a lost puppy, I push my way through the never ending sea of people.

I finally see Melanie sitting at the bar.

I take the stool next to her, and allow my anxiety to lower a bit.

I scan the room, now getting a better view.

When all I see is people dancing on eachother and drinking like they are going to die, you can't blame me for being a little uncomfortable.

I am caught off guard when I hear a voice shout over the music to me.

"You okay, Blue Eyes?" The bartender asks me as he sweeps up some broken glass.

"Yeah, I just don't really come to places like this very often." I tell the man.

"Well your friend over there seems to know her way around this place pretty well." the man says, nodding in Melanie's direction.

I turn to see her on the other side of the club, dancing and grinding on some guy.

I have to say, I was surprised to see this side of her.

"That's my sister, actually." I say with a giggle as I hold the palm of my hand to my forehead in embarrassment for her.

"Oh sorry, can I get you anything?" The man says, pointing to the shelf of various, crazy-colored bottles of alcohol behind him.

I just shake my head no.

"I'm Derek by the way." He says with a smirk as he cleans a glass with a rag.

"Nice to meet you." I say, ready to end this conversation already.

A few moments later, another song begins to play at an unnecessarily loud volume.

I hum a few lines of 'Mr. Brightside' by The Killers, while many drunk people scream it out in unison as if it is a rendition of the national anthem.

I move from my safe bar stool, scanning the room for the tenth time.

I'm not planning to waste my night.

I need to take advantage of this and have some fun.

Before I even know what is happening, I feel something cold splash on me.

I look down to see a giant vodka stain on my light blue strapless dress.

"Oh..i-im so sorr-ry. I thought you were in th-the car." a girl wearing tattered denim says to me, obviously delusional from the amount of alcohol in her system.

She tries to wipe off the stain her drink left on me, but instead she falls to my feet and is now gripping my shins.

I try to pull the poor, intoxicated girl off of me but she won't budge.

I let out a grunt as I try to step over her, not caring at this point.

Before I know it, the busy dance floor gives me no support and I am right there next to her on the ground.

Nobody seems to care that I am now in a crawling position, as I barely regain balance.

I attempt to push myself up from the disgusting floor, when my eyes meet with some white, brand new sneakers.

"Need some help there, babe?" I hear a slurred irish accent ask over the skull pounding music.

[Ok, so that was chapter one. I am really proud of it. Thank you for reading. Make sure to comment, telling me what you think. -Erin]

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