You're Kidding Me

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Chapter Two; You're Kidding Me

  The high school scene. Does it ever change? You've got the same cliques, the same teachers. You have the same reactions to the new hot guy. It wasn't a shock when the rich bitches in my class practically jumped out of their seats to hump the guy I now knew as Ethan Warren. It wasn't a shock when Mr. Briggs made him introduce himself. It wasn't even a shock when the only empty seat happened to be right next to me. Isn't this how it happens in every teenage love story? It's the same sap story over and over again, you've just got different names, different faces. Well, I for one refuse to be a sap story. 

  Ethan took his seat next to me, the smell of cigarette smoke drifting off his leather jacket and invading my nostrils. Yet another predictable characteristic. I scooted further to the other side of the desk, forcing space between the two of us. He had yet to look in my direction and I was praying to God he wouldn't recognize me. Of course, I didn't actually believe in God so I guess it was only natural my prayers went unanswered.

  "Oh, it's you." Ethan said, finally looking at me.

  I could play this twos way: ask him what the hell he was talking about or come clean that yes, it was the snobby bitch from the coffee shop. In my mind I knew it was useless to pretend I was someone else but my heart so desperately wanted him to think I wasn't that bitchy girl on the curb with the I'm-better-than-everyone-else attitude. But, like my dad always said, you can't be someone you're not.

  "Yep, and your the gang leader with the Ducati." I said, glancing over at him slowly.

  "I'd like it if you'd keep that on the down low." He said, lowering his voice.

  "And what's stopping me from telling everyone?" I asked, raising a brow.

  He leaned closer, his breath spanning over my high cheekbones. "Self-preservation." He said softly, his eyes focused in on my own blue ones.

  "Then it's a good thing I don't know what that means." I whispered, leaning closer so that our noses touched. Ethan's eyes narrowed, his hand moving to grasp painfully onto my knee.

  "Then we'll just call it a favor." He said sternly, his eyes holding no room for bargaining. My heart pounded in my chest at the urge to defy him but I knew that if I did, there would be hell to pay. 

  "Fine, but just remember for every favor, there is payment. Don't think I'll forget." I said, narrowing my eyes and pushing his hand off my knee. 

  Before he could respond Mr. Briggs called the class to attention, ending our conversation but by no means settling the point match between the two of us. Both of us sat stiffly in our seats, neither paying attention to the lesson. Time ticked by slowly and the tension between the two of us made the air thick. When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat, rushing out of the room without so much as a glance at Ethan. 

  I half ran to my next class, pleased I hadn't told him my name so he wouldn't know how to find me. I skidded into my next class right when the late bell rang and speed walked to my seat, settling in just as the teacher started the lesson. I was tapping my fingers on the desk as rain started to batter the windows, the lights flickering as lightening rolled across the skies. Great, just what I need. Pulling my phone out discreetly I sent a quick text to Danny asking him if he could pick me up after school. 

  Rain continued to pelt the windows; thunder pounding the building, causing it to shake. Some childish girls in the class let out fake whimpers every time the thunder rolled, jumping in their to short mini skirts and sending helpless looks at the men in the classroom. It was pathetic if you asked me. Why cause such a scene just to get the attention of a guy who only notices you because "Easy Access" is practically sewn onto your ass. Really, if I wore clothes that could pass as toilet paper, guys would probably pay me more attention. As I see it, that's unwanted attention.

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