Chapter 1

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My brother, Jason McCann was not always the nicest person to be around, but now ever since his birthday he's been awful. He's not my brother anymore, he's just a demon inside a teen's body. I am not exaggerating. He's is literally possessed. I don't know how it happened. One morning I woke up and found him on the floor screaming like madman. I tried to help him, but he grabbed my neck and started choke me. Some of the guys pulled him off of me. You may ask 'If you hate him so much why not leave him?' That's the thing. I was born into this gang family, my mom and I were the only good people in it, till she died. On her deathbed, I promised I wouldn't go down the bad path. I intend to keep it that way. Getting to the point of the hypothetical question, if I leave I die. It's the gang code, if someone wants to leave they die. Everyday is a pain, wakeup, discus plots, kidnap girls, rape them, and then sell them. I hate it all. I wish I could save all of them, but I can't. It destroys me, to live with the thought of what we do after that. I'm the 'nerd' of the gang stuck with the 'lame' jobs. I don't think that they're lame, I watch after the girls when they're out on missions, I stay home when their on missions, and I tend to the girls who were hurt by him. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't' hate it either. Someday I wish I could find a girl who'd love me, and that I could finally get away from all of this. But that's impossible, because who would ever love a guy like me, after all this.


I woke up to the sound my phone alarm going off. I groaned. Sometimes I wish never woke up again. I got out of bed and got dressed for school. Yes, I do go to school. Ok, maybe I am a bit of a nerd. I sneak out actually, because I'm not supposed to leave the house. It's not technically sneaking out because everyone is usually high, and they don't even notice I'm gone. I enrolled to my high school with a different name 'Bieber' which is still weird to hear people calling me that, but at least it's not my true last name. As I was walking up to my school I saw her, Y/N, she saw me and waved at me, I waved back, she smiled and continued talking to her friends. I wish she knew how I felt about her, but I don't want to lose her as a friend. As I walked down the hall of my school, I put my headphones in, and blasted my music. When I got to the classroom I took my headphones off and sat down, and Y/N came in and sat next to me. "Hey!" She said. "Hi." I said back. Her voice is so sweet. I could literally listen to her all day. She told me about her weekend, and her moring. I smiled and listened to her rambling. She's so cute when she does that. We had class and afterwards the bell rang. "Do you want to come over after school to do homework together?" She asked. "I can't. I have some things I have to do at home. Sorry." I said apologetically. 'This was the first time she invited me over, and I screwed it up.' I thought to myself. "Oh, okay then see you at lunch." She said disappointed and walked away. We only have a two classes together that's why I only see her at lunch and at the end of school. As I walked down the opposite end of the hall something felt off. I don't know what, but I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I tried to shrug it off and went to my next class.


It's my last class now and I still felt erie. I sat next to Y/N. 'Why am I like this? It's not like Jason is here or anything. It's not like he knows the school I go to, right?' I thought to myself. "Hey! Earth to Justin!" Y/N whispered and touched my arm. I flinched, and snapped back to reality. "Hey, is everything alright?" She asked concerned. "Y-Yeah, I think so." I sighed. Suddenly the speakers in the classroom went off. "Attention students! For the next 2 to 3 hours the school will be on lockdown due to a robbery down the street. Everyone please remain calm and-" The announcer said and told us the drill, which we all know by heart. My phone went off.

Emergency System Alert: Jason McCann,  America's Most Wanted, robbing Maple Mall, police and authorities are on their way.-

As we sat under the tables, saw Y/N's face full of fear. As I looked closer, I saw tears coming down her face. I moved over to her very quietly, and hugged her. I don't know why, but that was the first thing that came mind. I was about to pull away, but then she hugged me back. Suddenly everyone heard the doors to the school open, and heard footsteps. She started to hug me tighter. The footsteps got closer, and stopped at our classroom door. She held her breath as did I. The person started kicking the door, and the whole class tried to find a place to hide. Y/N and I still hid under our tables because they could hide people pretty well. "Y/N?" I said quietly. She moved her head looking up at me. "Whatever happens, I promise I am nothing like him." I told her. "Like who?" She asked me. Suddenly, the door came down with a crash. "Justin? I know you're here! Come out of hiding, and don't make me have to find you!" Jason shouted. "Please don't go." She whispered.

The Devil and His Brother {A JB and JM Story} ||DISCONTINUED||Where stories live. Discover now