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"I missed you so much, baby!" Anne says with teary eyes as she pulls her son into a tight and warm embrace.

Harry had decided to go home for the weekend and it was clear that Anne was more than happy about it. It had been a while since he had visited the Holmes Chapel, his home. And now he was finally back.

"I missed you too mum," Harry says with his face squished between his mother's shoulder and neck. He had missed the familiar scent of his childhood home. He had also missed the warmth that radiated from the loving hugs from his mother.

Anne squeezed the boy tightly for few seconds before pulling away slightly to look at her son. "Gemma and Des are going to be so happy to see you. It's been too long." She says smiling warmly. "How long are you visiting?"

"Gemma is here too?" Harry asks with a smile on his lips. Gemma was his rock and life support. One of the people who could make everything better with just one joke. "And I'll be here for the weekend, I have exams coming in few weeks." The boy says with a soft hum.

"She came yesterday and plans stay over the weekend like you-- oh, I'll have my babies here at the same time! Like a dream come true." Anne smiles brightly. It was the kind of smile that made Harry flash his dimples. "You shouldn't overwork yourself with school honey. I know that you want to make it big in the future, but you have to remember to relax every once a while, yeah?" She says softly.

Harry loves his mother for this. She wants to always make sure that he's eating okay, that he doesn't stress too much and that he is overall feeling well. That's why it also hurts him that he lies over his feelings. He never mentions when he feels bad or has problems. Harry doesn't want to be a burden.

She could still notice when he was feeling bad sometimes. She would hug him more than usual and casually drop the 'I love you's' more often than not.

"I won't mum," Harry says softly as he pulls completely out of her embrace. "Where's Gems?" He asks picking up his bag from the floor.

Another thing about his and Gemma's relationship was that she knew. She knew about Harry's depression and anxiety. She became aware of them when she walked in when he was shaking in his room, crying uncontrollably and digging his nails into his skin. Gemma had held him in her arms for a half an hour, whispering sweet nothings into his ear before he calmed down.

Harry had to tell about all of this to her after this, and since then she had made sure to call him once in a week so see how he was holding up. Gemma was the person Harry was most honest with, though he wasn't hundred percent honest, it was still better than nothing.

"I think that she's in her room. I'll have the dinner ready by four, okay?" His mother says smiling. "Gosh, I'm so happy to have you here!" She gushes happily.

"Happy to be home," Harry says honestly. "I'll go see Gems, okay? I'll be down for the dinner." He hums before he grabs his bag and starts to make his way upstairs.

Gemma's room was the opposite of his in the hallway. It brought back some memories as he walked up to her door and knocked on it quietly

"Come in." He hears Gemma's soft voice through the door, making him tear up a bit. Despite the calls, he missed his sister's voice. It wasn't the same thing to talk on a phone than face to face.

Harry opens the door and immediately spots her laying on the bed with a book in her hands. She looks up from the book and looks surprised for a second before flashing a bright smile.

"Harold!" She smiles sitting up and holding his hands out for the boy, signalling that she wanted a hug.

The boy gets into the room, closing the door behind him. He then drops his bag on the floor before he rushes over to the bed and hugs her tightly.

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