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// Dr. Dan Howell \\
As crazy as this sounds. I think I'm in love with Molly. She has cancer, she's going to die, but aren't we all one day. I will die. You will die. Everything dies. But why shouldn't I die happy. I've only just met Molly, but her Snow White feathers have brightened up my life. I'm stood here now watching Mollys owner saying a last goodbye to Molly. I wish Molly didn't have to die so soon. I wish I could spend time with her, get to know her
Dan she's a goose, get a grip
Yes that is true I suppose but Molly makes me happy. I've literally only just met her but I'm not ready to say goodbye. As Molly's owner leaves the veterinary surgery, i realise what my job is now to do. Get a needle and put Molly to sleep. Not that hard. Every other vet could do this, why can't I? But again, I can't live without Molly. She is my love. She is my life
My plan: I'm going to climb out of the window with Molly in my arms and give her the last but best day of her life. I will do everything with her that no other goose would ever get a chance to do
I walk towards the window with a trembling Molly in my arms. I shouldn't be doing this. Fuck me, I'm kidnapping a goose with cancer that I'm in love with. I successfully manage to get out the window with Molly and I proceed to think about what today lies ahead...

Honk // dan Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now