Deaths Doll: origin story

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My name is Sky, or well

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My name is Sky, or used to be. I wouldnt consider myself normal, but to everyone else I was. I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 10. Death had always ran through my mind ,even at the young age of 5. at times it was the only thing that comforted me. But at the age of 15 I had finally learned to bury my thoughts about murder and cruel tortur methods,well.....until that day. It seemed like any other normal day. I woke up and brushed my long curly brown hair, I walked down the stairs groggily in to the kitchen. I wasn't that hungry so I ate some yogurt. Everything seemed normal, my morning was going exactly how it did everyday. But something was off, something just didn't feel right. I walked up to my room feeling much more awake now. I got dressed in to a pair of ripped up black skinny jeans, a loose flowing blue shirt with a black tank top underneath, and white boots. I put my long flowing hair in to a tight ponytail with strands of hair hanging out in the front. I carefully put on some eyeliner making my wing perfect. I put on some concealer and mascara as I looked at the time. I had a few minutes left so there was no need to rush. I grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs to the front door. I opened the door and steeped outside,it was a beautiful sunny day. I smiled at the good weather as I closed the door; I made my way to school as I listened to songs on my phone through my headphones. I make my way in to school and keep my head down low. As I walk through the halls a ball of crumpled up paper fly's through the air and hits me in the back of my head. I turn my head and look down at the wrinkly white ball, I slowly turn the rest of my body and bend over to pick it up. I pick the ball up and continue walking as if nothing happened. When I make it to my class I sit down and sigh, pausing my music and taking out my headphones. I put the paper on the table and flaten it out with the palms of my hands.I was expecting for it to say something insulting and or degrading but instead what I saw was a phone number. A look of confusment rested on my face as I turned on my phone. I decided to text the mysterious number, nothing to lose right?

Umm....hi.....your phone number was thrown at me..?

Oh yeah that was me haha

Who are you?

Look behind you sweetheart ;)

I cautiously turn my head to look behind me but all I am faced with is a popular football player named Tim, He usually sits behind me but I pay no attention to him. Tim's a stereotypical jock; attitude, blue eyes, short black hair, and a very tight muscular build. Suddenly his hand moves closer to me, his hand lands in front of with a folded up piece of paper in between two of his fingers. I quickly grab the paper and turn around. It had nothing but his address and 'after school'. I can't help but blush and smile. Something still just doesn't feel right, this constant feeling like something bads gonna happen follows me through out the rest of the school day. As soon as the bell rang signaling the end of the day I shot out of my seat and made my way out of the old building. As I walked to Tims house the uneasy feeling became more intense and I started to become wierdly paranoid, but there was nothing to be paranoid of right? I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Within seconds the door opens and I'm greeted with a smiling Tim. I cautiously smiled back at him as he opened the door for me. I walked in to his house and instantly heard the front door lock. I breathed in and out as I looked around at the stylish decor, the uneasy feeling now so intense it feels like I might throw up. Suddenly I feel his bug muscular arms wrap around my waist. I try to squirm away feeling extremely uncomfortable but he pulls my hair and drags me over to the couch. I look up at Tim with fearful eyes as tears start to stain my cheeks. He looked down at me with hunger, as if he was a monster. "Please......just stop....I won't tell anyone...please let me go..." I manage to make out as I sob. He put his hand on my throat and I struggled for breath, he got on top of me as he pushed me down in to the couch. He let go of my neck so he could rip off my shirt with both his hands. I stared at the ceiling as my eye started to twitch. All the thoughts I had been suppressing for years now were coming back all at once. Flashes of gore and grusome torture speeded through my head and a smirk crept along my face. As he ripped off the bottom half of my tank top I leaned up and bit his cheek. Blood poured from his face as I spat his skin on to the floor, he screamed in agony as he arched back and held his face. I sprang my knee up hard in to his dick, he fell to the floor groaning in pain. I climb on top of him and grin as I pick his head up and slam it in to the ground repeatedly as hard as I can. I knee him in the crotch and run to the kitchen as he groans and yells in pain. I grab a steak knife and get back in position on top of him. I rip open his shirt like he did to me and I run the blade across his bare skin. I laugh hysterically as I carve the word "die" in to his chest. Suddenly my vision and hearing change, everything is tinted red and there's a loud ringing sound in my head. I stare down at him and can't help but smile at how scared he is. I lean down and whispered in his ear "no means no" and with that I plunge the knife in to his chest. I get up and stand over his lifeless body. My vision returns to normal and the ringing is replaced by faint whispering which soon goes away. I look down at him "death would have taken you himself, but he has me to get rid of the assholes like you now" without thinking about it i cut my wrists in every direction, what he did to me makes me want to tear my skin off but this will have to do. I go to the bathroom and pull some scissors out of a drawer. I cut my hair as I stare emotionlessly in to the mirror. My mascara ran down from my eyes and all the way down my cheeks. My hair wasn't to short now but not as long as it was before. As I started walking out if the bathroom and to the front door I tripped over a shoe, I threw it angrily at the closet door and as its response it slowly creaked open. And then....I saw it. A mask that pleased me to the core when I looked at it. I took it off the hanger and put the rest of the costume back. Yes, i was ready now everything was ready. Ready for my new life, As.......Deaths Doll.......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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