“Yeah, well, I want to.”

“I don’t need protection.”

“Everyone needs protection.”

“Ellie, I need you,” Fury says, “I spent too long with out my best friend.  Now you’re finally back.  These bitches aren’t going to stop you.”

“Yeah,” Matsukaze says, jumping on Fury’s back.

“I won’t kill them.  I’ll just beat them up really badly,” Tristan says, hugging Ellie from behind.

“Yeah, yeah I know.  I’m tired,” Ellie says blushing, “Good night.”

She pauses before walking away.

Fury sighs, “That part where she just paused, that’s when Spike would have hugged her and made her laugh.”

Her long black hair is pushed back in a headband that looked suspiciously like one of Ellie’s.  Her hazel eyes look glassy with sadness.

“No need to be so morbid,” Charles says.

“Yes, actually there is a reason to be morbid. I miss my best friend,” she says, looking away from everyone.

It’s rare for Fury to show this much emotion. Usually she is so calm and collected.  I forgot the Fury and Spike were really good friends.  But in this case, I can’t tell if she’s talking about Ellie or Spike.

Charles reaches over and pulls Fury into a hug, “I know.”

Tristan’s eyes narrow at them touching and Eva smirks.

“Can we talk about everything tomorrow?  I want Ellie to sleep if she can, and I don’t think we will get anywhere without her here,” I say.  Everyone clears out.

The next morning I bring Ellie her coffee.  She is lying in bed, without any covers on, wearing a bra and short shorts.  I almost fall over.  She rubs her eyes sleepily.

“G’ mornin’,” she mumbles.

I place the coffee on the bedside table, “Um, Ellie.  Your clothes?”

She rubs her eyes and looks down at her half naked body. She picks up a pillow and chucks it at me.

“Pervert,” she grumbles before collapsing back onto her pillows.

I get dressed and go back into her room.  She is still asleep.

“You’re going to have to get up,” I say, not looking at her.  I can tell that I’m blushing.

She sits up.  Her white hair falls over her bare stomach. She flips her bangs out her eyes.

“Jeez.  Didn’t you have any sisters? Don’t be so embarrassed.  I wear clothing like this all the time.”

“Not really,” I say, still not looking at her.

“Yeah, well that shirt that I wear shows my stomach and my skirt isn’t much longer than these shorts so calm the hell down.”

She gets out of bed, going straight the mirror. She brushes her fluffy white hair back and puts it behind a red headband.

She goes into the bathroom and I sit on her bed.

She appears a minute later dressed in her classic bandeau and skirt, except the bandeau is red and the skirt is a green and red plaid.

“You’re really in the Christmas spirit, huh?”

She smiles, “Yup.”

Ellie stops in front of the mirror and stares at her reflection.  Then she frowns.  She takes her headband out.  Her fluffy white bangs fall in front of her green eyes.  She places a green beanie on the top of her head.  She pushes her bangs to the side.

“Why don’t you just grow them out?”

“My bangs? They refuse to grow. They are permanently this length,” she says, sighing.

“I like the beanie.”

“It was Spike’s. It looked so stupid on his green hair,” she says bluntly, but I see a little smile in the corner of her mouth.

“I really wish I could have met him.”

She laughs, “He would have thought you were a goof.”

“I am a goof,” I say, laughing with her.

“He was wonderful.  He didn’t talk too much, but he knew how to get me out of a mood.  He was always there. I didn’t appreciate him, but I needed him.  Being totally honest, I don’t think he’d have liked you.  You are friendly and funny and he would have thought you were competition and very stupid.”

She smiles sadly.

“It would have been fun, though.  I wish you could have met.”

I get up off of the bed, “C’mon.  We’re going to be late.”

I take her hand and look in her eyes.  There are dark circles under them and they are red. 

I bring my hand to her face, “You didn’t sleep last night.  Did you?”

She smiles, “Nope.  But I did come up with a plan.”

“A plan?”

“On how to find them.”

 Thanks for reading! SENG is doing incredibly! Currently, it's at 3.1K! Please Vote and Comment if you are enjoying the story! I've missed writing for y'all. hahaha. It's been a happy break, and hopefully, I will update twice this week :). ILYASM!!! Have a Happy New Year, if I don't update before Wednesday!! 

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