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"Okay! Bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved to my friends as I walked out the door and could hear their choruses of good-byes. I got into my little blue toyota and pulled out of the driveway, humming along to the music as I drove. When I got to the intersection I flicked my signal on to get into the left lane. Due to the fact that it was a little past 10pm the roads were pretty empty, especially for a saturday night. The light at the intersection, however, was red. While I was waiting for the light to turn green I turned up the radio just a smidge and glanced at my phone. That's when I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bobbing head. I turned my head to look out the passenger side window and in the car next to me was a blonde haired boy bobbing his head along to whatever beat was coming out of his car's speaker. And then he noticed me. We made eye contact and his head continued to bob. I watched him for a second before turning my radio up a little bit louder and bobbing my head right along with the guy. A smile graced his lips and my stomach did a little flip. And so we sat there, in the driver's seat of our respective cars with silly little smiles on our faces, bobbing our heads together. And then he threw his hands in the air, waving them about like a madman and shaking his head, his blonde hair flopping all around. My head fell back as laughter bubbled out of me and when he saw he grinned so big his eyes turned into little crescent moons. And then his window went down. Mine went down only a beat after.

"Hi!" he yelled. I opened my mouth to shout back to him but all that came out was a loud 'BEEEEEEEEEEP' my eyes went wide and I glanced in my rearview mirror to see an angry woman in a car behind me. And then I realized the light was now green. I cringed and my eyes darted back to the boy who laughing.

"Oops!" I shouted to him. And as much as I didn't want to, I took my foot off the break and pressed the gas, turning my steering wheel and going left while the boy went straight.

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