Chapter 3

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A/N All rights go to Veronica Roth. Please comment tips and ideas for me to wright into my story. Thanks I hope you like it.

Tris POV
It's been a month since I have been living with Tobias. I love it too. No I get to be with all the time. Transfers are coming soon and Tobias and I and planing on training them together.
I wake up to Tobias' lips on mine. I deepen the kiss and he falls on OUR bed. I love thinking that OUR bed, OUR apartment.
"Good morning" I say breaking the kiss.
"It would be better if we didn't have to go to work" he states. I roll over and get out of bed. On my way to the shower I hear Tobias making eggs. the shower is warm and is one of my favorite things. I get to think by myself, just me. Then in the middle of me shampooing I hear the door open.
"Tobias GET OUT" I yell.
"It isn't Tobias" the stranger says. That voice is so familiar. Who's is it though. Hmmmm..........Crap it's Eric's. I turn the shower off quickly. I then grab a towel with out Eric noticing. I wonder how he got in. Tobias must have gone out to get more food.
I open the shower curtain to see a almost naked Eric. EWWW!! He lunges to grab me. "Come here little Trissy" he cants. Oh he is in for it now. Nobody calls me Trissy NOBODY.
He comes closer so he can yank my towel but before he can I kick him right in the stomach. He loses his balance and lands in the bath tub. he hit his head and is out cold. I run to get dressed. As soon as I am dressed Tobias comes in with food, including cake.
"Hey sorry we need more food. Anything happen when I was gone?" he asks
"Well if you consider Eric coming in the the bathroom while I was showering and trying to attack me 'anything'. Then yes. After I said that Tobias' eyes go big. I guess he knows where to find him because he heads to the bathroom. I decide to follow him. Eric must have just woken up be cause he was standing up until Tobias punched him strait in the stomach. Right where I kicked him actually. Eric let out a groan. We threw him out of our apartment, literally.
"I am sorry." Tobias almost whispers
"Why? You didn't do anything wrong." I say
"I left you" says making his way to the couch
"Tobias you couldn't of known this would happen don't blame your self." I say getting on the couch and putting my feet on his lap.
"I am supposed to protect you. And I failed" he mutters
"You did not fail you beat the crap out of him. You saved me from being attacked or even worse."I explain. before he can say anything to kiss him and lead him to the bed room. "You protect me every day. Even when you don't know it." I kiss him this time meaningly deepening each kiss.
The next morning I am wearing Tobias' shirt and he is in sweat pants shirtless. I lay there for a couple minutes just enjoying the view.

Tobias POV
I wake up seeing tris staring at me. "How long have you been staring at me?" I say
Tris blushes and responds "Not long."
She gets up and heads to the shower like she always does. I head to the door and lock it. No one is getting my Tris today. I start to make breakfast muffins and coffee Tris' favorite. When she get out of the shower I hear her head to the bed room. My 19 year old boy brain kicks in. I head to the bed room door. I crack it so slightly I can see Tris in jeans and a bra. God she is beautiful. I open the door and walk in. I lace my arms around either side of her. She flinches, thinking I am Erin, then leans into realizing who it is. I turn her around and plant a kiss on her lips. She breaks it first and whispers "I need to put a shirt on"
"But why you look great with out one" I joke
She playfully punches me in the arm and grabs a shirt. After breakfast I head to work. When I arrive instead of Zeke I see Eric.

A/N I hope you guys like it. Comment if you want me to add some to it. I need ideas. Vote and comment. I will try to update by Monday.

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