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 " Tess i didn't hear a scream if you want to check on her then fine but how many time do you plan to disturb my class." said Mr. Fooler. Tess glances at him  then at the door. She quickly runs for the door and down the hall." STOP!" A Sharp pain runs through her body and everything is black. She opens her eyes and realizes shes on the floor, she looks up and a boy is standing over her, his lips were moving but she couldn't hear him. He leans closer and grabs her shoulders and shakes her softly."Ow let go." Tess says. She sits up and pain rushes up her back," Ow, why am i on the floor," Tess looks at the boy he had longish hair little above his shoulders and he had beautiful eyes light blue almost green and palish skin. He was pretty tall and skinny a good size for a teen age boy." I'm so sorry i kinda hit you with the door." The boy says. He reaches for her hand and he slides his hand under her back to slowly lift her to her feet." You okay," he say. "Yes I'm fine thank you , by the way I'm Tess, and thanks for hitting me with the door." Tess says while dusting her self off. " Hey i said i was sorry, I'm Michael if you care so why were you running for?"

 " Oh my god, my friend Wren we might be to late come on!" Tess grabs Michael's arms and runs to the girls bathroom.Tess runs in but Michael stops at the door. He hears Tess'es voice call his name. She sounded worried, scared. Michael rushes into the girl's bathroom and finds Tess on the floor covered in blood leaning over a girl. You could hear her softly cry, blood was everywhere Michael looks around then walks closes to the dead body. Then a sudden realization accures to him, that body must be her friend Wren. The body looks like it was stabbs many times. He grabs Tess'es arm and helps her stand up,and turns her away from Wren and hug her.



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