Chapter 23 - Everything's Not Lost Part 2

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"What?", Guy asked genuinely intrigued by the story.

"A lot of the best doctors in the world had no idea what to do. But she..  she saved him, that too while she was on vacation. On hearing about his case the first thing she said was 'He's a liar' and asked all of us to recheck the records. We found out that he had been lying about drug usage. His heart had stopped and we had lost all hope, but my sister got a nurse into injecting adrenaline into his heart. And it saved him."

"Wow. So, none of the other doctors doubted him but..."

"My sister did. She was 25,000 miles away from the man. Never even met him. But on the contrary she judged him better than all of us."

"I see"

"You can see. Even the toughest of cases can be solved"

"I know but this is a completely different case isn't it?"

"It is a case nonetheless. It can be solved. We just need to find the solution in time. And once we do, we might save Chris"

Guy shrugged on the mention of Chris' name. Everything that had happened in the last few hours replayed in his mind. Seeing Chris deathly unconscious, seeing Jonny collapse, being told that Chris wouldn't live, having had to tell Phil about Chris, all of this had taken its toll on him. He felt lost.

"So this sister of yours, she seems to be an intelligent woman...", Guy asked trying to be nonchalant.

"She is the most intelligent person I have ever known. And I am not saying that just because I am family. She's been a doctor for more than twenty years and has covered almost every field starting from psychology to surgery. But the thing she's best at is diagnosing. This hospital has been in need for her diagnostic skills more than a few times.", she replied wincing a little.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something personal?", Guy asked.

"Of course. You can", she replied.

"You don't seem to like your sister very much do you?", He asked.

She smiled, "Spot on, Guy. Frankly, yes. She gets the job done, no doubt. But her methods are sometimes... Unofficial"


"Yes. She is the master of sarcasm and is very adept in crushing people's hopes, dreams and beliefs, as and when required. She would do just about anything to do things her way."

"Quite the unusual doctor..."

"Very. But smart nonetheless"

She smiled at Guy, "Don't ever give up"

"What?", Guy chuckled at the song reference, "You listen to Coldplay?"

"My sister does too. It's the one thing we have in common", she answered.

Suddenly her phone began beeping.

"Excuse me I gotta take this..."

She walked out of the room, leaving Guy alone with Jonny. Guy walked over to the side of the bed. Even in his sleep Jonny looked tense, as if he couldn't relax. He looked as if he had the weight of the world burdened upon him. And he did. He saw his best friend's heart stop in front of him. And to think, if he hadn't had that meltdown on Christmas Eve, none of it would have happened.

Rachel came back into the room with a surprised and puzzled expression on her face. 

"What's wrong?" Guy asked.

"Nothing. I am gonna go to the OR now, to supervise Chris' exploratory surgery."

"I'll be coming too"

A Rush of Blood to the Headحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن