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I knew that my dad had secrets and did things to protect me, but I never really knew what those things were.

My dad always seemed kind of scary. He had greased back hair, a leather jacket, he also always carried around a bat he called Lucille.

My mothers name was Lucille, I don't know why he named a bat after her.

"Lana?" I hear my dad say.
"Yes..." I reply.
"I'm going to go somewhere with the saviors.." he says smiling down at me.
"Can I come? Please, you always tell me that you want to teach me what you do. I have a gun and a knife and I can defend myself.." I say.
"Okay.." he says with a sigh.
"Your gonna learn a lot.." he says with a smile.

He scares me sometimes, his smile, his laugh.... they don't sound like how they used too.

He used to not be scary, he was a lawyer. He was my hero. I had a big sister named Lauren, she died. My parents named me Lana cause it went with Lauren well.
I got into a one of the big cars with my dad.
I was equipped with my weapons.

I saw an RV. Out my window... they were pulling people out of it. They where lining them up.
"Lana? Stay behind me okay?" He says with a smile.
"Okay?" I say.
"You're gonna learn a whole lot of shit!" He yells with his creepy laugh.
He gives a long speech to these people. It scares me, it makes me cringe. He talks about killing people with a bat named after my momma.
I want my momma...

My dad starts playing eeny, meeny, miney, moe.
He lands on a guy with red hair. He says he's gonna kill the guy.

He's kidding, he's got to be just trying to scare them.
I grip tightens on my knife handle.

I look at the people lined up. They all seem to be looking at me with shocked expressions.

I could understand why. I'm a little kid with these people.
I look at my dad and see I'm lift the bat over his head.
"Dad....dad... no!!!!" I scream off the top of my lungs.
It's to late. The guy's head already has a dent.
I stare at him with tears streaming down my face.
"Suck.....my....nuts." He says before my dad hits his head again. My dad, my hero.... is no longer my superman..

I make weird crying tears stream down my face.

"Dad!!" I scream
He looks at me with anger.
"What?!!!" He says through gritted teeth.
"Please don't kill them!" I sob.
"Not now... Lana..." he says through gritted teeth.
I grab my gun and aim it at him...
"Please...." I say.
"Lana.... don't make me kill you..." he says.
"Daddy? I thought you where my superhero... but your not.. your the villain..." I say aiming the gun at his head.
"Take her weapons..." my dad says to the saviors.
They approach me and take all my weapons away.
"Lana... if you are going to be in their side... ten get in line... I'll kill you too.." he says.

I feel hands
On my shoulders and I get thrown into line next to an Asian man. He has friendly brown eyes, light skin, and black hair.

We make he's contact.
I look across from where me and the Asian guy are. My dad is standing there with a Lucille.

He turns around and hits a man with short, brown curly hair in the head. I hear more sobs.
The man next to me sobs too.
All of the sudden, I break into tears as well.

My heart is broken, my daddy doesn't love me, he isn't my hero. He's a villain.
I sob as I see the mans eye pot out of the socket. My dad mocks him. Then he gets hit again with the bat. He now stops moving.

After, a long scary night. It's day.

My dad finishes up his business.
"Lana, you've learned tour lesson. Now get your ass over here..." he says.

"No..." I say.
My dad comes up to me and lunches me in the face.
"Fine, be like your mother and sister. You'll die with these people." He says.

"Don't talk about them!!" I scream.
I feel another punch, but harder. This time I can feel my face slowly swelling.
"I can talk to you about whatever I want to talk about. You are mine. Even if you were with these people you are mine. I might as well just kill you now..." he says .
Tears stream down my face. My heart hurts. My eyes hurt because of what I had just seen. My brain hurts because I have processed too much in one night.

"Fine, ta ta." He says as he leaves everyone to cry.
The Asian man sitting next to me runs to this women with short brown hair. She has really really pretty green eyes. The Asian man and The green eyed woman start whispering to each other and looking at me.

The man jesters me to come over. I get up and slowly walk to both of them. The lady with green eyes says.
"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" The women looks weak and sick. I feel bad for her and want her to get help.
"Lana.." I say.
The Asian man says.
"That's a really pretty name."
"I'm Glenn, and this is my wife Maggie."
Glenn picks Maggie up and takes her to the RV.
I follow after them. I walk to the RV and managed to climb up the steps. I am nine but I am very short for my age. So it's hard for me to climb up things.

I see Glenn holding Maggie's hand while she lays down on a mattress. I sit on a chair nearby.
The RV starts and starts moving.
Sobs fill the car. Which makes me start sobbing too. I almost forgot that I had just left my dad.

Glenn gets up and walks to the man driving the car. He whispered something to the man. Then walked back to Maggie and sat down.

"Hi Lana, can you come here please?" The man driving the car said.
I skate close enough so that he can easily see me through the mirror in the car.
"Hello, I am Rick. I have some questions to ask you. You may say no to some of them because you are very young." Rick says.

"Okay." I say

"Have you ever killed anyone?" He asks.
"No" I say.
"Have you ever killed any walkers?" He asks.
"11." I say.
"why?" He asks.
" because they were trying to eat me and my big sister." I say.

"Well done sweetie. Go ahead and talk to Glenn. He is very nice." He says.
I scoot all the way down the line of chairs, to Glenn. I sit near him and say hi.

" hello." He says back.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
" we are going to a place called hilltop. They're going to help Maggie." He says.

" she's pregnant. And she's very sick." He says with a frown.
"I hope they can help her and the baby." I say.

"Thank you." He says while  watching Maggie sleep.
we arrive to hilltop. I hop out to see a really really nice fenced in place.
Everybody carries out the dead bodies. Glenn carries out Maggie.

We are greeted by a really really nice people. The nicest people I have ran into since I was little. The saviors weren't nice to me. They would call me names and make fun of me. They also talked inappropriate to me.

" here we go sweetie.." Glenn says as he walks into a room with me.

I finally feel safe for once. I have not felt the safe since my momma was alive.

Hello, tell me how you like!!
Update as soon as possible!!

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