Intrigued, the Vexors watched as Circire's pale neck spouted blood in the same location where Celestia had injured Rose.

"Do you need help?" Hollingsworth asked, concerned, but Circire simply shook her head. She took out her wand, ran it over her wounded neck, and lifted it into the air. Immediately, the fresh blood poured out into the air where it evaporated into nothingness, as Circire's neck turned flawlessly white once more.

"That was called Transferring the Pain," Circire explained to her astonished audience. "It's an ancient technique where pain from one person can be translated into another person. I, however, can only heal physical wounds on myself, not on others."

"Every injury?" Chase asked, completely fascinated. "Every ounce of pain that a human can experience?"

Circire smiled. "There is a strong difference between material matters and spiritual ones," she told him. "Physical injuries can eventually heal, but emotional sentiments, excitement and grief and joy and despair- they are much more permanent."

"Circire, please, even I cannot understand your Liebeaux ethics," Hollingsworth said. "No need confusing them further."

"No other injuries?" Circire asked, to which the Vexors shook their heads. "Good. Now, it is essential that you to tell me everything that happened after you were summoned into the Underworld."

Together, Rick, Chase and Rose described how they were dragged into the Pool at Corvula, and what how Celestia primarily used Rose's blood in the lava pit.

"That must be why all the ghosts were able to escape," Circire said. "There is no other explanation. Go on."

Finally, they finished, right to the point where they were shot up out of the cavern, and awoke moments ago.

"Now, can you remember any of the spirits that Celestia spoke to? Be very specific."

"She was talking to an old man named- named Elphias, I think," Rose said, rubbing her forehead.

"Yes, any others?"

"A young woman, a beautiful woman- I don't think Celestia spoke her name. She referred to her as 'mother'," Chase offered.

"Do you know who that could be, Circire?" Hollingsworth asked.

"Yes, I think I do. We must ask Helroh if he can locate them. If they were strong enough to break the silencing curse and speak to Celestia themselves, then I bet anything they are free this very moment. As for the rest of them, Celestia is probably keeping them prisoner at her Fortress."

"The Fortress?" Rose asked. "You mean the Celeste? Where is it? When are we leaving?"

"All in good time, my child," Hollingsworth said, stroking Rose's hair behind her head. "Get some rest now. God knows you need it."

"Wait," Rose said. "How long have we been gone?"

Hollingsworth hesitated. "We didn't know when you would return. We stayed on the lookout night and day on the cemetery, just in case. You have been away from the mortal world for six months."

"But- but that means I've missed my birthday!" Rose said, realizing for the first time that she was now fifteen years old.

"Yeah- me too!" Rick said, and Chase nodded.

"What month are they?" Circire asked.

"November," Hollingsworth replied.

"November what?" Rose asked.

"Vexors of the same grouping are born in the same month," Circire said nonchalantly.

"Excuse- how?" Layla said.

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