A soldier was walking towards them and each of them kept as quiet as possible. Jean carefully puts her telepathic power to use. The man looks around the wreckage and then looks down at them. Instead of seeing them, he just saw nothing.

In a split second, he turns to the other soldiers and shouts, "Clear!"

Once he was gone, Jean stops the illusion and they all breathe. "Thanks, Jean," Scott says to her. "We got to help them. Kurt, can you get us in that thing?"

"You vant to get in zhere?" Kurt quietly shrieks. "Vhat if zhe soldiers see us?"

"Don't worry," Jean assures him. "They won't see us, trust me."

Harley puts her hand on Kurt's shoulder and murmurs, "They need us."

What they were about to do will involve danger and everything that goes against what Kurt believed in. But there was no time to waste. "Hold on," the blue guy says.

Scott and Jean grabs onto his hand while Harley places her hand on his shoulder. At that moment, Kurt Wagner teleported himself and his friends into the helicopter.

Inside of the helicopter were the unconscious bodies of Dr. McCoy, Moira MacTaggert, Raven, and Peter. Unexpectedly, the doors to the helicopter close and a green light around the windows turn on.

"Kurt, get us all out of here!" Scott commanded.

The four grabbed onto Kurt and waited to be transported out of the helicopter, but nothing was happening.

"I can't!" Kurt panted as he lets go of his friends. "Vhen zhey closed zhe doors, zhere's some kind of electric field. It's like Berlin all over."

Harley leans closer to Kurt as the copter begins to take off. "Jean, get into the pilots heads," Scott tells her. "Don't let them take off!"

The telepath quickly nods her head. "I can't. I can't reach the pilots. I can't reach anyone"

Looking for a solution, Scott looks over at his cat-looking friend. "Harley?"

It was dumb to ask her, according to Harley. If Jean and Kurt's powers won't work, it wouldn't make a difference if Harley used them. "I have your powers, Scott." She reminds him. "We can't use it. It'll destroy the plane and kill all of us."

"We gotta do something," Scott mumbles.

"Lets just wait here and see where they're taking us." Jean suggested, not knowing what else they can do. "It's the best thing we can do right now."

One thing that was bothering Harley. When the electric field surrounded them, it was somehow blocking Jean's power of telepathy from the pilots and wouldn't allow Kurt to teleport. "How is this possible?" She asked her friends. "This electric field is somehow blocking our powers."

"You're right, Harley." Scott agrees with her. "It's like these guys know stuff about mutants."

"Vhere was zhe Professor?" Kurt mentions to them. "He vasn't zhere vith everyone else."

Jean Grey concentrates on the minds of Raven and Hank. "Someone took him." She said. "They were trying to get Magneto to come back, but he was with someone else. He and his group came and took the professor. Alex tried to stop them, but he ended up blasting his powers at Dr. McCoy's lab, which made the whole school explode. He didn't make it."

After listening to what happened, Scott's heart dropped onto his stomach. His eyes began watering, but his glasses were blocking them.

"This is all my fault." His voice broke as he hides his face in his hands.

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