The music swelled... (First Draft) ~Bonus~

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The music swelled, washing over them in waves as they whirled around the dance floor between the other couples.

'You looked handsome in your deep, dark crimson suit and I wore my best dress I could find. Creamy silk with some other fabric (tulle? Gossamer?), little details all around the bodice and a bit of the skirt where it fanned out until it disappeared. The skirt having a slit and the dress having a cut out back. Sexy but not too revealing. Classy enough to be here, attractive enough to keep your eyes on me.

I've had a glass or two of champagne and you've probably had a few drinks. All night you were busy chatting with friends and coworkers. I stood back at our table after following you for a bit. I could only take about 20 minutes of being introduced to new people before I felt like I was becoming some sort of arm piece for you.

But finally, finally, I had you to myself. The jitters and reunions of a just started party calmed and you eventually made your way back to me. I remember you grabbing my arm that held my half drank glass of champagne, silently telling me to put it down and give me your undivided attention. You asked me to dance and it was such a pleasant surprise after spending a portion of the evening alone.

Yes, I had said. Your smile lit up your face and you pulled me along side you.

You held me proudly yet like I was fragile and divine, like you were worshipping me. Pulled into your arms, I couldn't breathe. I wanted to take in a deep, refreshing breath yet at the same time I didn't want to at all. You made my body all confused. And even though I could have swore I wasn't breathing I could smell the charming, heady, warm smell that was both you and your cologne.

And then we danced and danced and danced. We danced two songs in a row and our third song was more slow, our bodies letting us down. Should we stop and maybe go get a drink?


Thank heaven's they didn't. The music swelled, washing over them in waves as they whirled around the dance floor between the other couples.

Mr. and Mrs.

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