I'm so confused

29 3 3

Of all the parts to be part 69
It had to be this

Sorry for being the downer yet again
But I just have to get more shit off my chest

1. My hands have been shaking nonstop for weeks now and I don't even know why
          -Sometimes it dies down, other times it just gets worse
          -Either way, it's visible shaking. I can hold a pencil and you can see that it's not steady. I could put my hand up to my cheek and feel the vibration.

2. Happiness is so rare for me everyday, at this point it's just my own distraction.
          - I'm not saying that happiness is fake and it's just a lesser sadness or anything like that
         - I'm just saying that for me personally, I have so much trouble being happy and when I get happy, it seems so artificial and it dies off quickly enough. Right now, happiness is just my distraction from sadness.

3. Y'know the worst of it?
          - It's my fault
          - I'm a failure
         - and no one else seems to see it

Call me fake, call me an attention whore. Go ahead, I dare you. I won't care because it's not like anyone else does.

~K 🌌

mostly just rants and random yellingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt