13 Facts About Me

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Ok so I got tagged before and I got tagged by @Macca40 so I'll just do 13 more facts because I'm bored af

1. I hate most sports, but my favorites are table tennis (ping pong), tennis, volleyball, and air hockey.

2. My favorite shows are Gilligan's Island, Get Smart, and Friends

3. I have three Beatles posters; Abbey Road, collage of single covers, and the one in the white album. I have two Monkees "posters"; a printed out "Mike Nesmith for Mayor" poster, a sketch I made that looks like trash, and a colorful drawing I made that says "Daydream Believer". I drew an homage of the ABBA logo using their song titles (it's hard to explain, I can take a picture). I have a John Deacon/Queen quote that says "Spread your wings and fly away" with three birds in the drawing, and I drew a quote from Catching Fire. That's what's on my wall, lol

4. I spend too much time watching Buzzfeed and YouTube in general

5. If you guys haven't already noticed, I talk alot. I tend to find this a disadvantage because I always talk alot and I feel like such a bitch to talk with my friends and have huge ass paragraphs for texts.

6. On my personal account, I feel uncomfortable having more than 100 followers, I don't know why, but my fan account is listen.to.the.fan and I rant alot on it, post random shit at midnight, or I'll sometimes ask for opinions on stuff I'm working on, hehe ;)

7. I don't think I'll ever share my real name in a book or anything, but my name starts with a K and I'm willing to bet nobody can guess it (if you know me in real life, don't you dare spoil it) but maybe I'll develop a pseudonym on Wattpad...

8. I have a lava lamp, which sits next to my record player.

9. I love the movie Tommy, but it slightly terrifies me so it's not something I'd watch daily like I did with Help!

10. My favorite subject is math

11. Whenever I would walk home from the bus stop, this little punkass chihuahua would bark at me and chase me home. I always made it home faster on those days.

12. My favorite board games are Clue and checkers

13. My birthday is close to the birthdays of John Lennon, Tom Petty, and Marina Diamandis

It's 12 am so I'm not gonna tag anyone

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