Chapter 4

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 I woke up in the back of a Jeep with my head in Sam's lap.

 "Hey sleepyhead. I was beginning to worry you weren't going to wake up." Sam said. "How're you feeling?"

 "Eh." I said. I sat up and immediately regretted it as I felt a stinging pain in my back. "Ow. Okay, that hurts." I groaned, letting myself fall against the seat.

 "What's wrong? Where are you hurting?" Sam asked, concerned.

 "My back. Yesterday, getting thrown against the pillar from the blast. It's probably nothing, just a little sore."

 "Let me check." Sam said. I turned so my back was facing him. He lifted up the back of my shirt and just barely grazed my back with his finger and I hissed in pain.

 "Goddamn. Sully look at this."

 Sully then turned and his reaction was similar to Sam's. "Jesus, kid. Your back is as purple as plums. You really bruised your back."

 "Yea. I noticed." I said, snarkily.

 "Could've been a lot worse though. Nothing seems to be dislocated or broken. You're just gonna be pretty sore for a while."

 "Nah shit Sherlock." I rottenly replied.

 "Language!" The three of them said. I rolled my eyes.

 We then continued to drive around, following the cairns or, as my father preferred to call them, rock piles. Let's just say all these bumps and jumps did not feel good against my back. Each time we went down a drop or went over a rough bump it earned a groan from me as felt my back slam against the seat.

 "Sorry, kiddo." Nate would say each time. I'd just wave him off or tell him it's fine.

 We eventually came across Christopher Condent's tower then a tower with Nadine's guys poking around, blocking our way. We parked behind one of the larger rocks and grabbed our gear.

 "Hey, what are you doing? The deal was you couldn't get hurt." Sam said, watching me grab a gun and stick it in the holster I had already strapped on.

 "No. The deal was I couldn't be bleeding. You said, and I quote, 'If you get so much as a paper cut you're done. Not a droplet of blood.' You never said anything about bruising so technically this isn't breaking the deal and I'm definitely not gonna just stay here like a sitting duck." I say, checking the gun and making sure it's loaded. "Besides, I'm sure you've gone out while worse anyway so I'm going because I haven't broken our deal yet and don't plan on it." Sam looked to Sully and Nate for  help but they looked just as dumbfounded as he did.

 "Well she's definitely yours with how clever she is at finding loopholes." Nate said, grinning.

 "Fine. Just actually stay with me this time. There's a sniper and I don't need you getting shot." I smiled and nodded and we were off.

 We went around the side and tried to just take out the guys stealthily. I mostly was sitting and watching the boys pull people down or snap peoples necks. Me being me, I was sick of doing nothing so I made my way up the tower to where the sniper was. Sam was giving me a glare that was saying, 'Get your ass back down here, right now!' But of course I continued climbing. When I finally got to the top I snuck up behind the sniper and snapped his neck. It was a weird feeling. Yes, I've shot people or pulled them down to their death but never had I snapped someone's neck.

 I then made my way back down and hid in the tall grass and made my way back to where the boys were, snapping another guys neck on the way down.

 By the time I made it back to our little group there was only two Shoreline dudes left to take out. Sam and Nate took them out together and we were done. We then found the dynamite strapped to the door and blew it up, blending in with all the other explosions. We made our way inside and Adam Baldridge's sigil was on the floor. I looked around the place a little more as Nate sketched in his little journal. He was gonna have to let me look through that whole thing one day.

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