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Hey guys... I know I know.  Start yelling... I am sorry.  I didn't update and you have the right to kill me, it's just... I don't know.  I just never had the chance to write.  I always really truly wanted too.  URGH.  But I'm making an Adopted By Larry story and I'm going to stick to an update schedule, Monday-Update TCB (The Carrot Boy) Tuesday-Update IGTIWBOD (I got turned into a werewolf by ones direction) Wednesday-MBII (My brother is immortal) Thursday-TIG (The Irish girl) I don't know if I'm going to continue the Irish girl, because it's not a good story tbh.  Sorry if you like it.  And Friday-ABL (Adopted By Larry) which isn't made yet... SO YEAH.  Hope this is helpful and I'm going to stick to it

I Got Turned Into a Werewolf... By One Direction!?  (One Direction Fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora