i. People she lost

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In order...

1. Cedric Diggory: best and first friend she made in Hogwarts

2. Sirius Black: her Father whom she loved dearly

3. Dumbledore: a mentor and role model

4. Dobby: she loved him when he served at Malfoy Manor and was the only one there to treat him kindly

5. Lavender Brown: friend & dorm mate since first year

6. Severus Snape: God-Father, a man who would protect her with his life

7. Remus Lupin: Uncle, first person to make her feel like she's not useless and showed her how a family is suppose to be

8. Nymphandora Tonks/Lupin: Aunt, was the next thing to a motherly figure she ever had aside from Narcissa.

9. Fred Weasley: best friend, partner in crime, she's grateful she had the opportunity to be friends with him.

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