It All Belongs to Me

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    "Get everything that's yours out of my damn house, and you better not take any of my shit." I said as I kicked Robert out.

   You know what, maybe y'all wanna hear this from the beginning.

  So it was around 1998. Me and Robert- you know, Robert, everybody knows him as "Big Bert" the producer, y'all know, but back to the point. So, me and Robert were  in the studio and I was finishing FullMoon. I  was singing, getting lost in the song until I noticed Robert staring me down like a little kid on a lunchable. I finished the song and came out of the sound room "Robert what was you lookin at."

     "Oh nothing, I was just... you know what, Ima be honest, I was lookin at your ass." He said.

   Damn this man is straight to it, no playing around; but I have to say, that is kind of sexy. I mean, someone  who can tell what's on their mind or heart that easily need to be snatched up immediately, but regardless of that, I can't let niggas get away with that."Robert, if you're gonna look at my ass, at least be discrete about it, I can't stop you, but if gon keep on, ima have to find a different producer."

    He replied. " I'm sorry Brandy. For now on I will be a little more stricter with business"

    No, he can't be like that, he was fun and, a lookin'-ass nigga, but fun and business oriented. I replied  "Whatever man, as long as you keepin' those eyes up." Yall know I had to play it cool, I have to have some peace in the studio for the time being that Ima be comin' to the studio most days for the next week.

    I just hope Rob really gets it together before Ray-J comes or he gon' get his ass whopped, Ray-J is a litlle over protective of me.  

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