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"Ryan sweetie can you taste this for me?"

I place down the bowl full of cake mix and cross the kitchen to where my grandmother was stood. She carefully lifts a ladle full of her creation out of the pot and brings it toward me, using her hand to catch any drops which tried to escape.

I bent down and sipped the soup being held out towards me. The flavours of a chicken and spice concoction fulled my mouth. It was delicious like anything she makes.

"It tastes wonderful, grammy."

"Oh bless you Ryan. Are you sure it doesn't more salt or vegetables?"

"It tastes beautiful. Don't worry."

She smiles at me and grasps my face, giving two pecks on my face.

I returned to my station and resumed stirring the cake batter. We always got up early, my Grandma and me, 5 Am to be precise. This was so we could freshly prepare everything the same day it was sold. We opened at 6:30 just in time for the regulars to come in for their daily breakfast. We lived in a quiet town where everybody knew everybody. The town was tranquil, surrounded by nature giving the whole place an isolated feel but it was nice, homely even.

In the summer, we get quite a few tourists, hikers and the like, they stay for a couple of days. But, hey I'm living here everyday. Most people seem confused as to why a guy who's barely an adult lives in an quiet, isolated town. The main reasons being, I missed my Grandma and the city where I went to college was hell. I never truly got on with the city folk and preferred the quite life. But that's just me.

Grammy and me didn't make much money but we made enough, enough but we were happy. My grammy took me in after my parents were brutally killed in a car accident, thanks to a drunk driver ploughing into the side of their car as they were returning from a date. The died on impact along with the drunk driver. I don't remember much about them but it would've nice to have known them but, you can't change fate.

"Ryan sweetie, I think you've stirred that cake long enough hun." 

My grandma's voice cut shocked me back reality with a start. She chuckled sweetly whilst picking up the bowl gently, she shuffled over to the cake tin and poured the cake batter carefully. After doing so, she slipped on her oven gloves and slid the tin into the oven.

"Ryan love, can you open up shop for me?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you sweetheart"

The coffee shop was connected to our house, the living quarters being upstairs and the coffee shop itself being downstairs. I jumped down the stairs, missing a step as I went. Once in the shop, I set about the usual morning tasks such as taking the chairs off the table, cleaning the tables and ensuring the coffee maker was clean and in working order. I tied my apron around my waist and unlocked the door, once turning around the "Sorry! We're Closed!" sign I went to my positon behind the counter and waited for customers.

. . .

It was roughly 12:00.

My grandma had brought down all the cakes we had made earlier that day. I was currently making a mocha for the lady who owns the flower shop the road, Molly. I was just swirling some whipped cream on to as the bell on the door rang signalling that someone had entered the shop.

"Hey Ry!"

"Hiya, Spence." I replied as I handed the coffee to Molly.

She handed me the money for the coffee as she took a sip from the takeout cup it was in.

"Thanks Ryan, see you later sweetie."

"Bye Molly!"

I put the money in the register and Spencer approached me and leant on the counter casually. I knew why he was here, we usually went for a walk together during our lunch breaks. We had a smoke, chatted and basically just enjoyed each others company. It was a nice set up we had.

"Coffee?" I asked holding a mug up.

"Nah, but thanks all the same."

"Gran, I'm taking my lunch break." I yelled into the kitchen.

"Okay sweetheart!"

Jon, the other barista/waiter, took my place as I left. He was fairly new but I taught him the ropes resulting in him being a fairly decent barista. I took off my apron and tossed it behind the counter haphazardly.

We left the shop and were walking down the main street, the street where all the shops are located. Spencer turned to me and held up a cigarette between his fingers. I took it from him and he lit it using his hand to shield the flame from the breeze. I inhaled deeply letting the smoke fill my lungs and then tipping my head back letting a plume of smoke climb towards the sky. Jon lit his own cig and we both fell into step.

"Did you hear?" Jon asked randomly, turning his head to look at me.

"Hear what?"

"Someone bought the Grantland's old house."

"Really, well it's about time we had some new folk 'round here." I reasoned.

"I guess, hope they're nice whoever they are." Jon stated taking another drag.

We turned down into the forested area where we usually rested on a log, finished our smokes and headed back within plenty of time. Jon's employer was fairly strict about being on time so Spencer always ensured to back a little earlier than he was instructed to, just to be on the safe side. Spencer worked at the local library, his employer was an elderly lady, mid-60s to hazard a guess. She always wore her grey hair in tight bun, pulled back so tight it almost looked painful. She always wore the same crimplene dress which reached down to her knees. Her makeup consisted of a bit of powder (keeping up appearances) but never lipstick, It makes you look cheap in her words. Grammy never agreed with her, they never saw eye to eye those two.

"I for one, hope it's a cute guy." Spencer said loudly with an almost whimsical look in eyes.

"Aww, Dallon will be devastated."

"Ryan for the last time, He's not interested. Yes, he's hot as fuck but he's so straight Ry. I would be just setting myself up for failure."

"We need more hot guys here, a cute ass guy deserves a hot ass guy. That's just logic."

"I'm sure some 'hot ass guy' will come sweep you off your feet eventually."

"Well he is taking his sweet fuckin' time."

And for once, I couldn't agree more.

We sat for a while on our usual log, you could tell it was out log due to the various cigarette butts scattered around the perimeter of the log. They were markers as Spence would say, to ward off any 'log-stealers' as he would put it.

"Ryan, he just sits there reading like all he's doing is reading but it's the cutest fucking thing."

"Aww does Spencey Wencey have a wittle crush on a boy."

"Bitch it's infatuation at this point."

I laughed at his dramatic behaviour as I stamped on my now almost burnt out cigarette. Spencer did the same and we mutually agreed it was time to head back before Spencer's employer beheads him for being late.

. . .

It had been an hour or so since my walk with Spencer, he was currently sending me sneaky pictures of the infamous Dallon. Dallon was a guy who regularly visited the library in which Spencer worked at. Spencer being who he is has developed an almost stalker level obsession with the boy, I did have to admit however, he was cute. But nonetheless I decided to keep an eye on Spencer, I didn't need him to be arrested for being a creep.

I had just finished slicing another one of the chocolate cakes grandma makes, they were the most popular. People often bought slices in bulk it was that good. I always told her that her cakes could be famous but she always brushes it off telling me to 'stop flattering her.'

I heard the bell ring again as I was turned around to put the glass lid over the cake again. I first noticed that all the other patrons in the coffee shop were focused on this mystery guest. I looked to the direction of the door and I saw him.

Well, fuck.

Coffee Shop Soundtrack (Ryden) Where stories live. Discover now