Chapter Two: Crimson

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It seemed like it was in slow motion. How the car just bunched up in the front. My parents. Oh god my parents. I glance over to the front seat, but all I see is blood. So much blood. Coda. I turn my head to see Coda with his eyes wide, looking at our parents. "Coda close your eyes!" I yell crying. He jerks his eyes closed and his head down. "Just listen to my voice. Okay?" I say, trying to appear calm. I have to be strong. I have to be strong for him. For Coda. He nods his head vigorously. "Okay. I want you to stay calm." "O-okay." He whispers. "Now." I say, thinking on a way out. I try to open the door but the impact on this side is too bad. My door should open though. It isn't damaged as bad."Coda. I'm going to climb over and open my door so we can get out of the car, okay." He nods. I ignore the pain I. My wrist, which is probably broken or sprained, and climb over the seat to my side of the car. It takes a few tries, but it finally opens. I step out of the vehicle, limping a bit, as I reach my hand toward my 14 year old little brother. "Okay, Coda. Grab my hand." I say loudly. He grabs my hand, grasping it tightly as I pull him out of the vehicle. "I told you we'd be okay." I say hugging him tightly. I kneel down and put my hands at head level. "Here, get on my shoulders." He does as he's told and I walk around the car and a whole bunch of people run towards us. I can hardly make out the words "Are you okay?" from the mass of people. I shake my head no, crying. I hear someone yelling from outside the circle of people. "Alright. Alright. Don't frighten the poor children." I shift my attention towards the voice, putting Coda on thee ground beside me, grasping his hand tightly. "What are your names children?" The tall, slender old man asks. "Raven and Coda." Okay well, Raven, Coda, if you'll follow me please." I only nod and tug at Coda's hand to follow the gentleman. I stop for a second, glancing back at the car. Gasping and looking away as a thick liquid, crimson is color, oozed from every crack of the front cap of the car.

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