pt. 2 of chapter one

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So Lisa's sister Ellie picked out this beautiful blue dress and it linked so good on Lisa. Next Ellie picked out some nude pinkish high heels.

Next Lisa needed her hair done so Ellie is 18 and she works at a hair salon so she died Lisa's hair like a more blondish colour and then put it up into a cute bun (slightly messy). Lisa was thinking what else am I missing.....

Oh yeah she said I need to put my makeup on and quick because I have to leave in 20 minutes and I don't want to be late for the first day of school.
So she quickly put on some red lipstick and she put on a smokey eye and winged eye liner, and finally some mascara. I need to leave now so let's go I shout for my mom because she is driving me.

P.S if you are wonder the middle school is called Mary Elizabeth.

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