Abuse of the Heart, Body, and Mind

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The rest of the day consisted of me teaching Chad (the newbie) the fundamentals of child welfare. He was so good. He knew exactly how to read into people's emotions, the eyes. That took me 2 years to learn. To read people's emotions you have to pay attention to their eyes, they say everything. You have to look into the person's eyes when they are talking, pay special attention to the pupils. If they are stressed or lying their pupils will get bigger, if they are telling the truth their pupils will stay normal, and if they are in love their pupils will shrink.

I had Chad start with a fake house visit. During fake house visits we bring in actors that get paid around 200 dollars per hour (which is more than I will ever make).

The actors dressed in their best attire, the father was wearing a crisp, white button-up shirt with a navy blue blazer; he also wore matching navy blue dress slacks, with leather black shoes. The mother's attire consisted of a scarlet red dress that went from the top of her shoulders to the top of her knees, a pearl necklace, diamond earrings, and about three rings; a pure gold wedding band, a diamond engagement ring, and a gold anniversary ring encircled in diamonds. Finally the four year old child wore cute blue jean overalls, which were on top of a white tee-shirt with a monkey on it, he also wore little blue baby booties.

Chad sat down in his chair in front of the fake family with one leg crossed over the other. He started by asking them simple questions.

"How has your day been?"

"Our day has been good, we first went down to the coffee shop and got our little tyke here a nice hot chocolate and then we went for a nice stroll in the nearby park, it's so beautiful here isn't it," Said the husband with way too much detail than was needed.

"That sounds very nice," continued Chad. "And do you know why I am here?"

"Some people have accused us of harming our child," replied the mother whilst the husband gained a nervous sweat and started grinding his teeth together.

"That is correct. Now I was just wondering if you have ever hit your son before."

The husband's pupils started to grow in size as he answered the question. "Why would I ever want to hit my son, he is the love of my life, besides he would never do anything wrong, we know how to raise children."

"And how do you raise him in said proper manner?"

"With positive reinforcement of course," said the wife as she chimed in. "and if he does something wrong we tell him to not do it again-"

"Mommies lying," said the kid.

"And how is mommy lying?"

"Because when I break something of mommies she has daddy give me a kiss on the cheek with his fist, he says he does it because he loves me, that the fist kisses are how he shows affection. What does affection mean?"

Chad glared at the father.

"Billy is just kidding." The father glared at his child. "He just watches too much 'Law and Order: SVU'."

"And why do you let your child watch such mature shows?"

"Because we don't believe in filters, let the child watch what he wants."

Chad was turning red with anger.

"So you let your child watch murder shows while you beat him; that sounds like a perfect situation to me."

"I told you-"

"I don't care what you told me, we need to remove your child from this toxic environment."

The lights turned on and my supervisor came in. He smiled and congratulated Chad for his excellence. I held out my hand for him to shake. He gladly accepted, which marked the end of the work day. It ended earlier than expected.

It was five o'clock when I left the building. The sun was slowly making it's decent as I entered my car. The small white ball in the sky looked like it was perched on the top of the mountain. The sky was so cloudless that you could see all the oranges, yellows, reds, blues, and purples mixing in a concoction that could make an artist want to faint at all its splendour.

I drove on my way home and when I ended up home I saw a tiny light on in the window of the master bedroom. I thought that was quite odd, but I just let it slide, maybe I left the T.V. on when I left accidently.

I walked to the front door and put my keys in the lock, only to realize that the door was unlocked. When I opened the door I heard a sound coming from the master bedroom. I grabbed the gigantic Bombay metal shoehorn that I owned and slowly crept up the stairs. When I came to the master bedroom door the noise quieted down, I quickly opened the door and saw him there, no them. There were two people under the covers in my bed. I held the shoehorn close to my chest and I ripped the covers off the bed. There sat my husband, and some ugly whore next to him in just their undergarments.

I dropped the shoehorn to the ground and felt tears well up in my eyes. Anger enveloped me and I darted after the bitch that was hugging my husband. Before I could get close I was stopped by Brad. I pushed against him and the women screamed her head off.

"Yeah scream bitch! Get ready to meet Alice, you may be scared now but just wait until I get a hold of your ugly bleached hair! What's with the hair by the way, do you plan to look like a hooker that just arrived off the street or are you too poor to afford to go to a salon and get those fucking roots touched up! You better run bitch before I grab this shoehorn and shove it so far up your saggy, used twat that you won't be able to walk for months!"

"Alice that's enough!" Screamed my husband. He pushed me back so hard that I smacked the wall and cracked it.

I ran up to him and tried to slap him but he grabbed my hand just as it was about to make contact with his cheek. He slapped me in the face before I could react. I went for his neck. He returned the move and pushed me up against the wall. He was choking me. I took my head and butted his. He screamed and back up to the bed. The whore ran up to me and grabbed my hair. I scratched her with my long nails and drew blood. She screamed and flew out of the room with break neck speed. I ran after her. Before I could catch her something grabbed me. My husband flipped me over and was on top of me. He proceeded to choke me again.

"I always knew you wanted to secretly kill me Brad, you were just waiting for the perfect moment to do it! Come on, finish what you meant to do, kill me! Kill me! Kill me! I can't live like this anymore! Just end it! Come on you wimp! KILL ME!"

Brad loosened his grip so I kicked him in the soft spot. He fell to the ground crying.

"Enjoy having children now ass hat! Enjoy burning in hell for doing this! Next time don't mess with Alice, and tell your whore of a girlfriend of that! Oh, and by the way she won't be hearing the last from me!"

I pointed toward the door and Brad got up to leave. Before he could leave I told him, "I'm in love with someone else too, and he treats me better."

That wasn't the truth, I wasn't dating Chad, because  knew I how to be married.

He got in the car as I slammed the door shut, I went to my room and cried myself to unconsciousness.

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