The Land that God Hops Over

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I walked out into the living room to find that Brad had left for the day. I had an hour until I had to be in for work. I undressed from my nightgown and hopped in my shower. After what seemed like a lengthy shower (which in actuality was a 5 minute rinse) I got dressed in my usual work uniform, black flats, black dress pants, a white flouncy top, and a black blazer. The clock read half-past eight so I left my beautiful, custom built house and got in my 2015 Cadillac LTS, that my stupid lawyer of a husband could afford, sometimes I want to know what it feels like to be under-privileged, I mean here I am, the epitome of a 2000's working women. Successful career, successful husband, I'm white, I have a relatively nice body, and yet I still feel like this shouldn't be my life, it should be the life of someone who really deserves it. Someone who doesn't mind removing or splitting up children from a family. I want to be the person who melds the families together, who stops the splitting up from happening, I want to be my husband, the lawyer, who helps people, doesn't hurt them. No, I don't want to be him, I want to be a stay-at-home wife, but not for him, for someone who will treat me properly.

I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive on the street. I tried to be a responsible person and drive without thinking about what ensued last night. Brad just gets my blood boiling. I always hid it, always lied to myself, and told myself that he was the best thing that came into my life. Now I'm not so sure.

As I drove I remembered back to the "good ol' days". The half of my life where Brad wasn't there to control me, run my life. One moment that always seemed to pop into my mind was the moment when I was at the young age of 15.

I was working at the local movie theatre after my family had moved to Vancouver. Everyone saw Vancouver as beautiful, I saw it as the place where tiny businesses go to find a big customer base, only to find that after a year they've run their credit score into the mud and are back to square one. I was working one late night, it was a good night, the sky was cloudless and it was crisp and cool, my favourite type of night. One guest came up to my till, he seemed nice enough. He said he was from Alberta. Some of my family were from Alberta so we got to conversing about the "Land of Open Skies". I mentioned the people from Lethbridge, or as he liked to say, "Big red man, big red woman".

He told me "God doesn't reach this land, look at the people on the streets stricken with sickness, the people who won't help these poor defenseless people get back on their feet, they won't hire them for minimum wage jobs, they just ignore them."

I was told by my workplace to never talk back to the guests. How I wanted to tell him how much he was wrong, but I didn't, because I believed he was right. There are so many poor helpless people on the streets of Vancouver, that can't afford food, and accommodation, or even proper clothes. Some of these people commit crimes to go to jail, at least there they will have food to eat, and a bed to sleep in.

I finally had the courage to say something back to him, however what I said was not what I was expecting. "Sir, have you ever been to Vancouver Island?"

He nodded his head and I knew exactly what to say to him.

"You have seen its never-ending beauty then, surely sir you must believe that God may hop over the coastal plains, but he then lands on top of the insular mountains of Vancouver Island, where you don't have to pay 3 million dollars for an oceanfront house, not even apartment, house."

He looked at me, right when I thought he was going to scream at me, he smiled, and slowly nodded his head

"You miss will be a lovely person, I believe that you will get out of this land that God hops over, I believe that you will meet a lovely man who will treat you properly."

I'm still waiting for the aforementioned man. However I did get out of that land, shortly after that my parents gave me the wonderful news that they had invested in a business in Nanaimo, the harbour city.

From that day on I have lived out my life in Nanaimo, except for the last two years of my university career, where I went to UBC.

I reached my office with about 5 minutes to spare and travelled to the top floor. I passed Flora the secretary on my way to my office. I wasn't even sitting down for 5 minutes before someone came into my office. It was a man that looked handsome. His facial structure was that of a Greek's, he had fair olive coloured skin. He had a chiseled face with gorgeous green eyes, and big red lips. He had perfect big, and round shoulders. And a slender, muscled body. I stared for what seemed like a long time to me before he spoke.

"I heard that you are the one that will be training me in my future career."

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded my head. What was getting into me? I had a husband, a nice house and I was just ruining it by thinking about this random stranger whom I don't know and just waltzed into my office.

I didn't want to think this way, but I think I found the man that may treat me properly.

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