I was walking to 9 and was about to give up, when I saw some more people that looked like they were going there and some woman yelling at them to come on and something about muggles.

"Excuse me, but where's Platform 9 3/4?" I asked her. "Well it's right here, all you do is run through this wall, is it your first time?" she asked.

I just nodded my head, "Oh well it's Ron's as well," she said, "Percy why don't you go first." Some boy came up and started running to the wall, but when he got there he just went right on through.

"Fred your turn," she said. "I'm not Fred, I'm George, and you call yourself our mother" he said. "Well George go then," she said. The boy started running then, "Just kidding I am Fred," he said running through the wall, with someone else following him.

"Ok now why don't you go," she said to me. I went straight in front of the wall, "now just run straight to the wall and don't think that you're going to not get through," she said.

I took a deep breath then ran straight to the wall and when I opened my eyes I was standing in front of this train with Hogwarts Express on it and saw the sign Platform 9 3/4.

I walked onto the train hoping to see Delia, but I never saw her. I looked for an empty compartment and thought I wasn't going to get one, until somewhere in the back I finally found one.

I walked in and put my stuff on the racks.

I sat down thinking about Delia and where she was going to be and wondering if I would ever see her again. I was still thinking when the boy that was with the other's came in.

"Are these taken?" he asked. "No, you can come in," I said. He came in and sat in front of me, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

"Hi I'm Harry, Harry Potter," I said, and when I said that he looked at me with a smile and shocked. "Is it really you?" he asked.

"Yea," I said. "Do you have the scar?" he asked pointing to my forehead. "Oh yea," I said pulling up my hair. "Wicked," he said.

Right then I knew had a friend.


Delia's POV-

Finally everyone woke up and was ready to go. "Come on," I said pushing everyone out the door with their stuff, then grabbed my trunk and Sven and ran outside to the car. I pushed them all in, "Come on now, start the car," I said getting anxious.

We had finally got to the train station after what seemed to be forever, but was actually only about 20 minutes.

I ran and grabbed my stuff then ran, with everyone following me. I got myself a trolley and threw my stuff in it.

Cedric must have done the same thing, because when mum came and stopped me, I saw Cedric with one, "Darling calm down," mum said.

Dad came and walked in front of us, after about another 10 minutes we got to Platforms 9 and 10. "Mum what are we doing here?" I asked. "Cedric why don't you go first," mum said.

All he did was nod and run straight for the wall in between, I was going to say something, but when I was he didn't collide with the wall he went right through it with dad following him.

"Darling why don't you go now, all you do is run straight for the wall and don't think that your not going to make it," she said.

I did as she said and ran straight for the wall. I closed my eyes, but I didn't collide with it. Dad and Cedric were standing by the train talking once I opened my eyes.

I walked up to them, but when I saw the clock I ran, "Bye daddy, I love you," I said hugging him and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Mum came over then, "Bye mum, I love you," I said hugging her and giving her a kiss on her cheek. I ran inside the train, and waved goodbye out the window, then tried to find an empty compartment.

The Diggory Sister (Part 1) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now