Legacy Of Chronos

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I wrote this a long time ago and i really want to do something with it someday

Long ago, in times only mentioned in song and story. Lived a mage, back then the only mage. For only one man knew the arts, only one man bridged the mortal and magical. That man was Chronos.

None truly knew where this man came from, yet it did not matter. His heart was pure and his soul surpassed any around him. Man or otherwise.

The beasts and creatures of the earth, aswell as the men and women sought guidance and counseling from this man. For his power so great and mind so vast, that if you seeked answers you would find it with him.

All evil he vanquished, all good he cultivated until, in time, the people and beasts made him king

Years uncounted past. Until the unthinkable happened.

Chronos was getting old

His once lucious, brown beard. Now glowed with a heavenly white and his fair skin, now covered with wrinkles

He left no heir to his power, and so men (both good and evil) sought to take his power by killing him.

It took a short while before a war, fierce and long broke out. The land was destroyed and the society Chronos worked so hard to build, crumbled before him.

Chronos climbed atop the highest mountain and made the ultimate sacrifice

He unleashed all of his incredible power unto the world, vanquishing the evil and restoring the land.

But, as the dust settled. They knew their king, was lost.

Stricken with grief, the people rebuilt their homes. Thinking that the age of magic had ended.

But in truth, it had just begun.

While the man had ended, his story did not. For the magic had worked its way into both the land.

And the people.

Men and women gifted with these powers soon emerged both holy and wicked.

These are the lives, the triumphs and the sorrows, the heroes and the villains of the people

This is the legacy of Chronos
It's awfully cliche, but what do you guys think?

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