Chapter 2

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you got into a fight, well not really but a bitch named Hellen beat you up and you had to go to the nurse. Then your mom came and drove off with you but you got into a car crash. you woke up in a hospital bed with Tori by your side, then she took you to her house and you saw Frisk and Flowey , you had a awesome room, and then Tori told you that she was gonna take you to your house to get your stuff. that were the author ended the chapter!


(this is a day later!)

me, Tori, Frisk, and Flowey were eating breakfast when Tori brought up school

"my child i know you had a hard time in your school..." she said "that's why we are going to move you to a different school!" she said and handed me a paper. it said 'Underhigh' at the top

"really!!" i yelled and jumped up and down. i hugged Tori

"OH MY GOD I FU-FRICKIN' LOVE YOU" i yelled, remembering Tori's strict no cursing

"aw i love you too my child but lets go get you school supplies" Tori said and i broke the hug

"well what are we waiting for lets go!!!" i yelled and ran outside to the car, i couldn't help it!

~le time skip 2 days (they gave you a week to get ready)~

i was walking downstairs when i saw Tori crying while on the phone

"Tori!?!" i yelled as i ran to her side

"m-my child" she said "i am so sorry" she gave me the phone

"what's going on? why is Tori crying?" i asked concerned

"are you the daughter of Lidia L/n (last name)?" the voice on the other side of the phone asked

"y-yes" i said confused

"i'm very sorry...." the voice said

"sorry for what?" i asked, growing worried

"y-your mother unfortunately passed away..." the voice said

"n-no" i said, my eyes getting teary

"again i'm very sorry" the voice said "i'll hang up now" and they did

"no, no, no, no" i just repeated over and over again. Tori pulled me into a hug

"my child...." Tori said "i have lost countless children, i know what it's like to lose someone" she said crying

"*sniff* i'm sorry but i need some time to myself..." i said and went up to my room

"of course, my child..." Tori said as i entered my room. i got on my bed and just stared at the ceiling, crying

"i'm sorry mom, if i wasn't so stupid i would have defended myself" i said to myself "if i wasn't so naive i could have prevented this all from happening"

"now you shouldn't say that about yourself" i heard flowey say from behind my door "umm can you let your best friend in?" i got up and opened the door, he wheeled in (floweys in a pot with wheels that Alphys made). i got back on my bed

"i heard that someone important to you passed away..." he said, which made me cry more

"i here to tell you not to beat yourself up over it, it's not your fault, none of this happened because of you" he said "there was no way of preventing this.... it just happens, that's life" he continued "and when life gives you lemons!"

"*sniff* you make orange juice and make people wonder how" i said and Flowey got confused

"what?" he asked

New School, New Start (NaJ AU x reader) ●DISCONTINUED●Where stories live. Discover now