the fall

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we get to dance 30 minutes early so we had time till lyrical started so we sat in the back of the studio talking with other class mates and watching other dances. After a while the class before us finishes and we walk into the class. There are about 10 people in our class. It is small compared to others but hey we are the best in the studio. We finished our dance last week so we were showing it to the younger lyrical class and well we failed because half of us weren't there. After we finished our dance we went into a smaller side studio to practice it and that is when our teacher came in. Her name is miss. Krista and she owns the dance studio.

" i am guessing it didn't go well" she said as she put her stuff by the stario. 

( sorry can't spell)

" no" we all said in unison. We went through the moves counting in eights and then she recorded it so we would remember the parts we change. At the end we all clapped, thanked her, and left the room. I had 15 minutes till jazz so i went to the small fridge by the main computer and grabbed a water bottle. usually they are a dollar but i help teach so i get them for free. When jazz started we sat in the middle of the floor and stretched for a while. when the teacher came in we all stood up. This teacher was different her name was miss. hanji and well she talked alot anyway.

" since we only have three weeks till the recital we have to finish the dance today and rearrange our positions because sasha dropped out." she said in a perky voice

"dammit she always does this," i said with some annoyance.

So we ran our dance a few times and finished it but we never got to fixing our spots but the class end and i get ready for survey elite (this is the elite competition group for the company). We are learning our second dance out of three. We go through the moves we learned last week and then we move on. 

" ok now i want you to drop onto your right hand on count 2 and switch hands on count 6. Then melt to the floor and on the next count 2 shoot your left leg back while on your hands and knees then on the next count 6 you will push off with your right leg and land back down on the same leg." she shows us what to do and we copy it. seems easy so we do it for a few times and after falling for the tenth time, yes i fall i am not that perfect in this life, we do it with the music. I get everything right without falling until the leg push off were on my leg back down i land on my knee and pain shoots through it. 'shit i might have dislocated my knee' after making sure my knee is not i move on. After and hour and 15 minutes we go home and by that time my knee feels like it is dead. i walk in to the log cabin and put a brace on and go to sleep hopeful next class will be better.


Lyrical song is coldest winter by kanye west

Jazz is last christmas i gave you my heart

Competition i have no idea the name but it has lots of humming

the escapeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin