A Normal Day at a School Full of Mutants

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Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The school run by Professor Charles Xavier or simply Professor X. Populated by 147 students, 15 teachers, and hundreds of bedrooms. In this mansion lived one mutant who was like every other mutant in this school.

She sat in a desk for Professor Xavier's physics class. The girl was about seventeen years of age. Her hair was black with highlights of blonde, wavey and teased a lot. Her eyes were green and her corneas were small to where she practically had cat eyes. Not only that, but her ears were on top of her head and they were cat ears. Her mutation may have altered her appearance by a little, but it didn't bothered her. She wore a black shirt, short grey pants, black tights, black combat boots, and a red plaid shirt. The mutant was average height with long legs and a slight pear-shaped body.

In class, she was writing down everything the Professor was saying in his lecture. She sat next to Jubilee, who would usually copy off of her papers.

Jubilee raises her hand to answer the Professor's question, but they were interrupted by Dr. McCoy, a boy with bandages on his eyes, and an unfamiliar guy.

"That will be your assignment for tomorrow," Professor Xavier ends the lesson. "Class dismissed."

The girl gather her papers into her binder and followed Jubilee put the doors.

For a moment, she gazes at the older boy with thick brown hair. A vision flashes through her mind. It was of him. The man let's out a roar and red energy begins to blast from his chest. After that, she snaps back into reality. She knew who he was.

Outside of the door, she stops her friend and whispers, "Jubes, it's him."

"Who?" She asked, confused by her friend's fascination.

"Havok!" She said his name. Harley knew very well who he was. "He's one of the first members of the X-Men."

Jubilee giggles as they walked down the hallways. "I'll admit he's pretty cute. What's his mutation, being dashingly handsome?"

"Energy Conversion." She informs her. "He can blasts energy from his body and hands."

"What about the kid with the bandages?" She asked.

"I don't know. I didn't have time to read him."

"Let's go back to see." Jubilee attempts to pull her back into the classroom, but Harley stops the short girl.

Harley sighs, "Nah, he's talking to Professor. I don't wanna interrupt."

Her friend rolls her eyes and pouts. "Okay, fine. You're no fun, Harley. I got Chemistry homework to do."

"I'm going to the field. See you later, Jubes."

"Bye, Harley."

Harley takes off to her bedroom, which on the second floor, fourth door to the left. Of course it was a big place to be both a house and a school. On the first floors were the classrooms, library, kitchen, and large living room. On the second, third, and fourth floors were mostly bedrooms and a few more classrooms.

Everybody had their own room in the mansion. Harley walked into her bedroom. Her beds was full size with black and purple bed sheets. She had posters of rock bands and celebrities on her wall and a desk next to her window.

Harley quickly got dressed into basketball shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes. She pulls her thick, fuzzy hair into a low ponytail. It was now becoming a habit to leave her hair down since people get disturbed by her not having human ears nor having her ears on the side of her head but on top.

Every mutation was different for everyone. Some don't show it physically, but some do. Harley knew that Hank McCoy would still take medicine that affected his mutation, making him look human for certain periods of time. Most of the time, Hank knew it was selfish, but he figured that not everybody is still ready for Beast.

Copycat: An X-Men OC StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang