The Memories Flood

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Hey guys welcome back we have another talented writer who is amazing at what she does, she writes her heart and soul into every chapter she has ever done and she is such a sweet person and so kindhearted so I am so happy to introduce my girl


2 weeks later.....

Charlotte's POV: It's been two weeks since Henry and I last smiled together or even noticed each other really. Last time we were together, before we were pulled apart was in the hall then this girl came and they took henry with them. It made me feel neglected as always like no one cares or even loves me. Henry doesn't know cause he doesn't probably even care about me anymore.  Or is just some new Henry now. cause once you get to high school they say people change. its hurts I thought henry would always be there for me but I guess I was just mislead. anyways life is too depressing anymore I don't have any friends to support me and my mom has been in her own world lately complaining about her job and getting old. so I just decided if I'm not wanted here ill go somewhere I'm wanted.

charlotte grabs her suitcase throwing animus objects in and a few bare essentials along with her phone. Putting on her shoes dragging her suitcase downstairs and fleeing from her house.

Continued in Char's POV:

As I walk down the block without knowing where I'm going memories swarm though my head like meeting henry in the first grade and realizing how much I actually meant to him. like how he always had me to depend on and we always talked when time were tough. Tears ran down my face like rain drops do clouds. I wiped them away but more just gush from my eyes. How it hurts to spend your life with someone who you thought was or could be the one person always needed to survive. But then they turn on you and act like you never exsisted or even said a word to them. If only I could back and figure where I went wrong? was I never good enough? maybe I didn't try harder? but only god knows the future of what is to come. so may questions balst though my head many vary vague. Others I just couldn't wrap my head around. Maybe someone or somewhere out there will love me? but who knows all I can do is keep walking, even though it feels like ill never end uo anywhere what am I suppose to do?

I keep walking till I hit a bus stop and bench I sat my bag down and sat on the cold wired bench. As the wind bustled through my hair, I sat here all alone takin one last look around swellview cause who knows where ill end up or if ill ever return?

A little bit later a bus rolled up...

I step inot the bus, pay the fee and go to the far corner sitting down. Then the bus speeds off from the bus stop as I watch all the city lights and traffic around me. waiting to see where the bus takes me.

with Henry.....

I was with these girls but I didn't know any of them or where I even was. I looked around seeing I was tied to a chair and my hands were wrapped up in lace thing material I thought to myself " I hope this ain't some skimpy undergarment or these girls will get a piece of my fucking shit" My phone was gone and so were my shoes? strange.... at first I thought these girls were nice so we hung out but then like just a day or so ago. last I remember was being asleep in my bed then waking up in the back of a van with my legs and hands tied up. through all the shit all I thought about was charlotte. I can't imagine what she's feeling. she probably hates me now or think she did something wrong. All I wanted to do was get out and go find charlotte and apologize and explain everything...

But there's no escape the doors were locked and there were no windows all I could do was wait....

then all of a sudden the doorknob jiggles and one of the girls come in, I saw her walking in and she just smirked at me, the girl was about 5'4 and she never told me much about herself other than I was cute. she then closed the door and started walking towards me. I thought "this is not gonna end well"

"hello henry"

me: okay what the hell is going on?

"nothing is going on don't fret hot stuff"

ugh please do not call me that for a second I thought you were hot but now I see you just want to use me for your own advantages

" aww you're cute but I would never do that to you as long as you keep being a good boy daddy"

"oaky if were gonna get anywhere do not call me your daddy because I'm not your dad or a fuck boy, just cause I'm blonde doesn't mean I scream " I wanna fuck your brains out!"

girl giggles with shimmers in her eyes " woah there I don't want to do the nasty on the first ride"

"then what do you want"

" oh I don't want anything from you but I think youll want something from me and the other girls"

"I've never meet any of you in my life so what makes you think ill want something from you

"I sit behind you in chemistry"

"never seen you before"

"my name is Liv short for Olivia, Oliva Hoizer to be specific"

henry gasps as he hears her name

" oh not you!

Oliva: oh so now you know me

Henry: I haven't heard that name since the nose job you go tbut I never noticed you after your nose job

Oliva: don't remember our past henry I'm more than just a name

henry: no I don't remember, I heard of your name and last time I ever saw you was like the 4th grade but everything else is just a blur to me

Oliva: well just think about it case once you remember our past you'll know what you'll want from me or even one of the other girls

henry: yeah sure

olive: okay well goodnight Henry see you tomorrow morning

henry: oh before you leave what is tied around my hands

Olivia: you really wanna ask that?

Henry: oh, OH, oh my god ewww I think I just threw up in my mouth

Oliva: later

and she walks out of the room

"Okay that girl is messed up but something mysterious is going on. Like what does she have against me? and what could she have that I want? Cause if it's here hell to the no...


Hey guys! hope you enjoyed one of my good writers chapter she did really good. but if you want to have a chance of winning one for the prizes & the award make sure to summit a chapter to me so you can be recognized! I love you all and good job on your chapter!


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