The Beginning.... Our Beginning

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hello my wonderful sweethearts.. I am so happy and so honored to introduce one of my favorite writers, she has 10 amazing books that get you hooked on the first chapter. she is amazing and so sweet, she's patient, kind and will go that extra mile to get you taken care of . she's a sweetheart and I am so happy to introduce her and her chapter to start off this amazing book that all of you will make. so here is Miss Annaleese Parker


Henry- the first time I saw her was in kindergarten. she was small, smaller than me. A little shy and timid and vary defensive of her crayons. at circle time the whole class sat on the big circle carpet to read quietly, I sat across from her she peeked out from under her strawberry shortcake book at me. I smiled, which encouraged her to smile back. My insides felt warm, I'd never had a girl smile at me before. 

     Later at recess someone suggested that we play tag. The first person I touched was charlotte. EW! Henry tagged Charlotte! henry has cooties now cuz he touched a girl! 

   There was always that one obnoxious kid with the bad haircut that would always loudly pint the obvious. I really didn't care. Neither did charlotte.

  !Run four your lives!  charlotte gave henry cooties!

All us boys ran and all the girls, including charlotte , accepted the challenge of chasing after us. from that moment on I ran and charlotte would always chase after me.

*4th grade*

our friendship started to form more solidly as the years went by specifically when I got stuck at the way way top of the monkey bars at free time. The teacher was no where in sight and I was scared out of my mind. Charlotte tried to talk me down, she gave me positive examples of not being afraid and taking that leap of faith I needed to in order to get back to the ground. Kids were crowded around the monkey bars laughing, pointing and making fun of me because I was so scared. I looked down at the one face that wasn't laughing at me.

"you can do it henry, just jump and you'll be fine,"

her voice was calm and reassuring. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can do it. I repeated in my head. charlotte believes in me. in my 9 year old mind if someone believed in me, especially charlotte, than I can do anything. so taking another deep breath I quickly released my grip on the bars and jumped down. I landed hard on the ground. A terrified yell escaped my throat as I heard something crack. My arm was pinned beneath me. it just had to be broken. Charlotte rushed to help me up and dusted me off, she was the only one who cared. All the other kids had wondered off to get in their last few minutes of free time.

"Henry? Are you okay?

Charlotte asked me worriedly. I didn't want her to see the tears in my eyes.


I moaned shaking my head and holding my arm like the bruised wing of a baby bird. It was starting to swell to a abnormal size.

"Ms. Valentine! Henry's Hurt!"

Charlotte ran to get help and I limped after her. That day my mom picked me up from school early. I told her what happened and she took me to the emergency room to have my arm X-rayed, turns out it was broken. Lucky me. I was in a cast for two months but it was the funnest two months ever, because charlotte spent a lot of time at my house. she played games with me when I got bored, she read me my favorite captain underpants books, she smuggled candy from her house and shared It with me. she was my best friend and when I told her that she smiled.

  we promised to be best friends forever even when we grew up and moved away from each other. but sometimes, things change. Life is a master fame changer. feelings change and the person who you thought was always gonna be your bestfriend changes.

Sweet as can BeeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat