Warfare Through The Seed

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Genesis 1:1,29
2 Corinthians 9:10
Matthew 10:41

1.The seed is yesterday,the fruit is today, the fruit contains seeds to sow tommorow. 

Sowing today will reap tommorow. We as humans are programmed to live in today, and disregard tommorow.

Transform yourself from a
today-thinker to a tommorow-thinker

2. Your life began as a seed and it shall end as one

Everything about your life is a seed.  Money is not the seed, the seed is revelation. The seed is about your future. The enemy doesn't care about your past he fights your future. And your weapon for the future is your seed.  Your seed must stand on your shoulder and go higher.

Apple. And apple is today, buy when you cut the apple you see the seeds inside it, the seeds are for tommorow. They are the apple's future, they start where the apple ended and continue on from there.

There are two types of people

1. Eaters
Today thinkers, foolish people
Eat their fruit and don't think anything of it.

2. Sowers
Tommorow thinkers, wise people
Eat their fruit and sow the seeds, they plan for their future.

You reap what you sow. For the rest of your life, look for the seeds you need to sow for the harvest you want to see.

If you want the honour of a prophet God's Word says you must sow a cup of water.
If you sow love you reap love, sow hate you reap hate.

-Dr. Ralph Dartey

Transforming Life Centre 12 Hours Of Warfare 19/11/2016Where stories live. Discover now