I always keep my promises

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You felt feather-like kisses left on your stomach, setting a path up your body; a small smile tickling your skin when you stirred and groaned at being woken up, "Morning, sleepy head!" You rubbed your heavy eyes, slowly opening them to find gleaming, green ones staring back at you.

"Uhm...you got up before me" You huffed out an annoyed sigh, and he frowned, "Well, yeah...why? I thought you'd enjoy being woken up with kisses" He accentuated his point by brushing his lips on your neck.

"Of course I enjoyed that; it's just that, you know. I was supposed to get up, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair and then slip back into bed with you, pretending to be asleep and waiting for you to wake up and find me lying next to you looking like a Goddess..."

You chuckled at the 'you serious, right now?' look he had on his face, before he grinned and nuzzled your neck, tickling your chin with his mussed hair, "If you want me to, I can pretend to go back to sleep until you're done with your preparations, but trust me, that wouldn't change a thing"

He lifted his head until your eyes found each other, "To me, you'd still look as gorgeous as you do right now, baby" A deep blush appeared on your cheeks, while he pecked your nose, heading for your lips, but you stopped him.

"Nope, not gonna let you kiss me before I've brushed my teeth, that's just gross" He ignored your comment and tried to kiss you again, but you pushed him away, "Come on, (Y/n), I don't care..."

You shook your head 'no', and sat up, "I do, besides, can't you wait for a little? It'll take me about 2 minutes" Your eyes landed on his discarded shirt next the bed, and you grabbed it, slipping it on and smiling as you noticed it still smelled like him.

"Well, that was useless, I'm just gonna take that off of you as soon as you're back" You tilted your head to look at him and he chuckled, sending you a wink. You stood in front of the mirror, and stared at your reflection, 'Uhm, well, he's seen me bloody and dying, this ain't that bad'

Pulling your hair up in a loose ponytail to get it out of your face, you turned on the water and splashed some on your face, revealing in the cold feeling on your heated cheeks, and then turned it off, "Dean? I, uh, I got no brush, do you have a spare one?"

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, check the cabinet. There should be a new one in there somewhere" You mumbled a quick 'thank you', and began looking for it, but you came out short, "Dean, it's not here, you sure you got one? I can go ask Sam if you don't"

Dean's padding feet resonated around the room, before he joined you in the bathroom, "Mmhm, you look real good in my shirt and boxers" You smirked and twirled your ponytail in your fingers, "You think?"

His arms found your waist, and he leaned down to kiss you, but you turned away, having his lips land on your cheek, "Toothbrush, please" A frustrated groan left his lips, and he opened his cabinet again, grabbing you a new brush from the highest shelf.

"I told you there was one, (Y/n)" You stuck your tongue out at him at his scolding, and grabbed the toothpaste, squeezing some on your brush, "Yeah, well, not all of us are so tall that we can reach, or even see, what's on that shelf"

"I think it's cute that I have to get stuff for my girlfriend when she can't reach it, besides, it makes feel useful" You smiled at his reflection in the mirror, and he did the same, grabbing his own toothbrush and brushing his teeth, all the while staring at your body standing in front of him.

It was no surprise that he finished before you, and that his arms found their way back around your middle, "Uhm, you know (Y/n), all this brushing, got me thinking about something..." You spit the excess flour and rinsed the brush before turning in his embrace.

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