You were so lost in your fantasies, that you failed to notice how Dean's hand stopped moving, or how his breath caught in his throat when you dug your nails in his upper thigh. He bit down on his bottom lip and swallowed the groan he felt rising in his chest.

He tightened his arms around you, and pulled you flush against him; his eyes following the smooth skin of your legs, until they reached your bare thighs and he looked away, feeling like a teenager afraid of getting caught watching porn for the first time.

He noticed how your chest rose and fell, with every breath you took, 'Damn, I'd just have to move my head a little to the right, and I'd be met with the sight of her perfect boobs' He closed his eyes at that thought, and pressed his forehead to your shoulder, making you shiver as his hot breath fanned across your back.

Closing his eyes obviously hadn't been one of his greatest ideas, because he was instantly met with more images of you; more extremely inappropriate images of you. His eyes shot open and focused on the video, as he desperately tried to keep his mind on track, and avoid ruining your friendship.

And then, a thought crossed his mind, a thought he'd been having often during the last months; he just needed to know if it could work, if you'd be willing to give it a try. "(Y/n)?" He whispered your name in your ear, and you subconsciously arched your back, 'Yeah, your body isn't enough Dean, why don't you add your God damn sexy voice in the mix?'

You shook your head from your thoughts, "What's up, Dean?" You cursed yourself when your reply came out in a breathy moan, praying he'd just pin it as the video's fault.

'Was it really necessary to moan my name like that, (Y/n)? Really?' He bit his tongue to stop from saying what he was really thinking, "Nothing, just, it just me, or that girl looks like you?" He didn't think you looked exactly like her, no girl could ever look like you in his eyes; he just wanted to let you know he was thinking about you.

You nodded, really looking at the girl for the first time, and noticing she had your same hair color, and body shape; even though her breasts were bigger and probably fake, "Well, now that you made think about it, yeah, she does. And the guy looks like you"

You chuckled at the coincidence, and Dean didn't even check to see if it was real; he was too busy grinning at the fact that you admitted, you too, had been thinking about him, at least a little.

'That's it, Dean, it's now or never' He nuzzled your neck once again, his lips slightly brushing your earlobe, "So, basically, one could say that's you and me; making out...naked" He felt your body temperature rise, and saw your neck turn red, as you released a little chuckle.

You waited for him to add something else, but he didn't; he just casually sat behind you as if nothing had ever happened, "Dean, that's cheating..." He shook his head, and you felt him smile against your neck, so you tilted your head back, and locked eyes with him.

"I'm pretty sure it's not cheating. I mean, it's not like I told you that, that's me; kissing down your neck, making you moan my you'd make it sound so good, though. Didn't say that's my hand stroking and squeezing your sexy thigh, while the other plays with your perfect boobs..."

You couldn't believe he was saying those things to you; you couldn't believe he was saying those things to you while looking you straight in the eye, his voice calm and low as he managed to make you blush even more than you already had.

You licked your dry lips, and he didn't even try to hide the lust in his eyes as they followed the movement of your tongue, "I didn't say that..." You felt your panties dampening and you bit down on your tongue when you moaned his name.

He smiled at that and you felt his member twich against your lower back, but he didn't seem to mind; he just pecked your cheek and turned back to the video, leaving you staring wide-eyed at his stubbly jaw.

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