Thirty Nine

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It was later that night and Zoe was gone home. Troye was curled up in his cage and Jacob was in bed on his laptop, working on something for work. He could hear Troye move around every few minutes, trying to get comfortable, but when he had asked earlier Troye claimed he was comfy enough, so Jacob just left him. When the tossing and turning got to the point of being distracting Jacob got up and opened the door to the cage, pulling Troye out of it with a light sigh. Lucky for him Troye did not even stir as he was carried to the bed, the only sound he made was a tiny meow as he was set down.

Jacob chuckled at his cuteness and got into bed beside him, kissing the kitty's curls before getting back to work, the constant click of the keys on his computer and Troye's steady breathing the only thing that could be heard in the room. After a couple hours of working Jacob put down the laptop and shut off the light, wrapping his arms around Troye and pulling his petite body closer. Troye subconsciously started purring and Jacob smiled into his curls, giving the soft hair a tiny kiss. "I love you," he said quietly before letting his eyes flutter shut and drifting to sleep.


"How'd I get here?" Troye asked himself groggily the next morning, rubbing his eyes and stretching before climbing onto Jacob's thighs and giggling playfully as he poked at his dom's bare chest, pouting when he didn't wake up. "Daaaaaaddy?" Troye leaned down and placed a sloppy kiss on Jacob's forehead before trailing them down his cheek. He groaned aloud when he still didn't get a response, flopping back onto the bed and looking at Jacob in confusion. How the hell was he sleeping through all of this? His chest was still rising and falling (Troye had double checked, just to be safe), so he wasn't dead, which was a very good thing. Troye giggled at his thoughts again before getting off the bed and crawling to his cage, grabbing a toy in his teeth and crawling back to the bed, dropping it onto Jacob's chest before going back to the cage and grabbing another toy, placing it beside the first toy. By the time every toy in the house was piled on top of Jacob, the man started to wake up.

"What the fuck...?"

"'Morning Daddy," Troye said happily kissing the man's cheek again.

"Good morning Kitty... what on earth are you up to?"

"I wanna play! But you were not waking up, no matter what I did. So I brought you all of my toys so we could play when you woke up!"

Jacob chuckled and reached up to ruffle Troye's curls. "You're silly."

Troye pouted, "I was not trying to be silly, Daddy. I wanna play!"

"Let's get some breakfast, then we can play, okay? I don't understand how one can have so much energy in the morning."

"Well I have been up for a long time trying to get you to wake up," Troye replied, getting off the bed and stretching out again before crawling out of the room and to the kitchen, climbing up onto the counter to wait for Jacob, who came in a moment later.

"Would you like an egg?" Jacob asked, opening the fridge and looking over what they had.
Troye nodded, watching Jacob pull out a couple eggs for himself and one for Troye, pulling out a pack of bacon as well and walking to the stove.

"Do you have anything to do today?" Troye asked, watching as the eggs were cracked into the pan.

"Not that includes leaving the house."

"Can we play all day then? I really, really wanna play!"

"We will play bud, but I'm not sure  about playing all day long."

Troye crinkled up his nose, something that he did whenever he was faced with anything he didn't like, whether that be food or an order. "But Daaaaaaddy, we haven't played in soooo long!"

"Honey, we played just the other day," Jacob said, chuckling at Troye's face. He knew that a pregnant kitty wouldn't have the energy to play all day long anyways, but of course Troye wasn't thinking logically. He just wanted to play and play and spend all day with his daddy.

"Can Dan come over then?" he asked. Dan was a lot calmer than Troye could be, but he was still nice and let Troye play with his toys- which was obviously a plus.

"We'll see," Jacob replied, picking Troye's water dish up and pouring in some milk, setting it back down and grabbing his food bowl, putting the finished egg and bacon into it. Troye hurried to get down and eat, trying to get through the food quickly so they could hurry and start playing. He hadn't thought of the fact that Jacob would not rush, so he found himself spread out on the living room floor, waving his tail out of boredom. "Maybe that'll teach you not to rush when eating," Jacob said when he came in ten minutes later, a feather toy in his hand. Troye's eyes lit up and he jumped to his hands and knees, letting out an excited meow as he started to chase after the little feathers on the end of the string, jumping up in an attempt to grab it in his teeth. Jacob didn't make it too difficult in order to protect the baby, but Troye was still amused.

An hour later he found himself warn out though, and he was almost falling asleep sitting up. He dragged himself over to Jacob's feet and curled up on the carpet, letting his eyes shut. He was asleep instantly, snoring lightly. Jacob chuckled and snapped a picture of him, deciding he'd post it to his Facebook, which he hadn't been on since before he got Troye. No one in his family or any friends outside of LA really knew about Troye, so this would be the first time they would see him.

Jacob Bixenman

Making my Facebook comeback with a picture of this bloody angel.

*image attached*


im going to make avocado on toast for the first time ever pray for me

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