The beginning of life

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Angles and demons. Life and death. There once was a girl I know who was on the edge of life and death. Why was she there? What put her like that? Where are my manners?! Let me start from the beginning shall we?

Her name was Sara Jones. She was only 14 when it happened to her. All I remember is that I had a crush on her. Man let me tell you she was fucking sexy. In my eyes she was the perfect girls I ever saw. We had couple of classes together. Everytime I looked at her was always looking back at me. After class she walked up to me and said why were you looking at me??? I said without missing a beat I can't look at a beautiful lady.

Man let me tell you she blushed so hard I thought her face was a strawberry. After that we talked more and more. We got to know each other so well we could have been married. Then one day I did not see her at our normal spot. I went to her house that day. I knocked on the door. Her mom came to the door and said "who are you and what do you want?" I said: " I am Leon S. Kennedy and I came by to see if Sara is okay?" Her mom said to come in. I walked into that house. What I saw was amazing. Everything inside that house was beautiful. She told me Sara was upstairs. As I was walking up the stairs her father was up at the top of the stairs waiting for me. He said I should hurry up with what I was doing. So I went into Sara's room. I looked and I see her laying in her bed. I walked over to her and said are you okay? She replied back saying I am sick. I looked at her and said okay I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. She said thanks for doing that. I said your welcome.

As I was walking out I stopped. I turned back around and looked at her. She said what? I said as I was walking back over to her will you go out with me? Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. I was thinking to myself she will not go out with me because I have scars on my body. What I heard from her was not what I was expecting. She said yes! Then I walked out of her room saying I love you. She said it back. I left that house with a smile on my face.

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