♛ Rebellion ♛

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You gulp, the green-haired man wasn't grinning like he usually was, instead, he looked absolutely serious. He reaches out a hand. You freeze, eyes wide and panicked, not really knowing what he was doing.

His milky white fingers gently brushed your hot skin, and they pushed back a lock of (h/c) behind your ear. He pulls back, gaze not wavering. A soft shaky breath escapes your lips, shoulders slowly relaxing while the panic slowly seeps out. You were still on edge, expecting anything. You two actually haven't even met in real life before. But you've known each other from your reputations.

Suddenly, he stands, expression not changing. You keep a cautious eye on him. The Joker lets out a hand, gesturing for you to grab it. "C'mon, let's take a walk."

Were you really gonna do this? Associate with the Joker? You stare at him, then his hand. Slowly but surely, you placed your clammy hand in his surprisingly warm one.

Yup. You guess so.

The Joker pulls you up gently, pulling you a bit closer to his side. You two walk into the maze of hedges, silence enveloping both of you. During your walk, he suddenly says, "I like your dress. Brings out the colour of your eyes."

Your eyes went into his direction, but he wasn't looking or facing you. Glancing down, (and feeling quite self-conscious) you realise that your tight knee-length purple maroon dress was the same shade as his dress shirt, your white pumps matching his jacket and slacks, black belt matching his tie and golden necklace matching his golden wristwatch and rings. You finally realise you both have the same exact colour scheme for your outfits.

Looking down at your white heels suddenly seemed interesting, your cheeks getting warm. Joker risks a glimpse in your direction and notices this, chuckling, only making you more red. You were expecting him to whip out a knife and slit your throat.

Wait no. He wasn't like that. He would probably kidnap you, torture you then demand for money from your father. Either way, you were almost one hundred you were going to die. Gulping, you looked at him. Actually looked at him. You looked closely at his style of clothing. Most of time, you see him wear purple and green, obviously like a clown. He wears a lot of gold for a guy, but he isn't your average guy so you can't really say anything.

His pale complexion really makes the blue from his eyes look even paler than they really are and his neon green hair surprisingly matches his red lips. Now up close, you might actually think he looks attractive. You weren't even gonna deny it. Just remove the tattoos, lipstick, silver teeth, green hair and change the tone of his skin, then he would look like the type of guy girls would wanna date.

You look at his lips, and subconsciously licked your own, and trailed your eyes up, only to be locking gazes with his fixated eyes. You blush, having caught but not exactly looking away. Joker's gaze doesn't even waver either, so it just became sort of a staring competition.

The more you stare, the more you got lost in his blue eyes. He suddenly stops walking, but still not taking his eyes off of you. Joker breaks the gaze by looking at the huge hedge beside him. The hedge was covered in red roses, thorns poking out of the leaves and stems. He grabs a bloomed rose and gently plucks it out, turning back to you.

You stare at the red rose then back into his eyes, now confused. He lets out his hand, offering the flower. Surprisingly, there wasn't a thorn on the rose, as if it was meant to be plucked out. Your hand raises to grasp it from his fingers.

Keeping eye contact, you raise the rose to your nose and breathed in deeply, letting a small smile over take your face. Then, you frown. "So, now what? You gonna kill me? All this seduction just to kill me?"

// JOKER IMAGINES \\Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz