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ai slowly approached the taller boy,whilst avoiding eye contact and fiddling with his jumper/sweater, he uttered two barely audible words, stuttering as he did so
"e-excuse me,"
he took a small breath before continuing and looking up at the boy in front of him "i-" he started, but was cut off as momotarou tilted his head and gave nitori a happy grin, his ambience practically radiating off him, it was almost impossible not to smile back.

ai did what looked like an attempt of a smile and nervously giggled before realising how awkward the current situation was "a-ah, sorry" he apologised and looked down, scuffing his shoes on the dirt below the pale grass

"hm?" momo inquired "what are you saying sorry for?" at this point, his face was pulling a puzzled expression whilst nitori felt embarrassed, unsure how to reply. ai was restraining himself from saying sorry once again, as it had become an unbreakable habit of his to apologise at almost every waking moment, although there was most times no need to say anything at all. so that is what he did. ai didn't say anything but there was no need to, as momo started talking again.

"you're here for the picture-y thingy, right?" momo asked, stars practically visible in his eyes and brought his own face close to nitori's, awestruck

"o-oh, well- um, yeah, i'm here for the, uh, 'picture-y thingy'" ai replied, stuttering as he did so and using the taller boy's childlike terminology.

"woaah" momo exclaimed, somehow overly impressed by nitori's not-so-professional-profession "so like, you take pretty pictures and then sell them for millions?"

unlike momo, ai was not impressed and replied with a flat "no." which resulted in momo looking like he just realised that he'd been living a lie his entire life, but he soon recovered his usual energetic stance.

he put his hands on both of ai's shoulders "you're nitori aiichirou, right?" he asked excitedly and ai stumbled backwards, shocked by the sudden contact, too breathless to reply, so he just nodded. momo gave him an apologetic look and softly smiled as if to say sorry. he reverted back to his usual happy-go-lucky self quickly though and introduced himself

"i'm momotarou mikoshiba!" momo grinned "but you can call me momo" he looked down for a second, then looked up and took ai's hands in his own, holding them up between them "it's really nice to meet you!" he said, along with one of the most welcoming smiles nitori had ever seen.

a light blush dusted upon nitori's cheeks and he looked down at their hands, the gentle touch giving him a little boost of confidence. he looked back up at momo and gave him a warm smile, a proper one, unlike his awkward attempt earlier "nice to meet you too"

they stood there for a couple of seconds of comfortable silence before nitori broke it

"shall we start the photoshoot? "


a/n: o heck it went real quick

like boy i feel like it went to fast when they first met but hey when people first met jesus they were on their knees ;)

i need to stop

also finally a chapter over 500 words woaho well done me woop woop

on my knees to pleasus the jesus


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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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flash photography // momotori auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora