Chapter 1

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Pressing the keys of the piano, I heard sweet music coming from inside the piano, and when I pressed some more, the sound got a whole lot sweeter.

"I never thought I'd find a love quite as pure this.

You make feel just like a child with your tenderness.

I never knew all this time it was you.

Now I can see your my true love...


"Cause you are right by my side!


You're always on my mind!


Life is just like a dream, and now I can shout out to the sun!

You... You are the one...

You are the one..."

Wanting to continue the song, I began drawing a blank. Seconds past and I had nothing else to say; pounding on the keys in frustration, I began looking over what I had. And believe me, it ain't much.

"Katie, breakfast!" I heard my Mom shout as I set my lyric book on top of my keyboard as I rolled around on my bed to face the other side.

Heading out of my room, I knock on my sister's room who only groaned as I passed her room and headed downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, I was greeted by the sight of Him – sitting at the door, looking very innocent and cute at the same time as I planted my hands on my hips with a suspicious grin. Buddy, my long haired Chihuahua with a bit of Pomeranian in him, gave me these two big brown eyes as he was wagged his tail slowly.

"Well, you're just looking awfully cute this morning... makes me suspicious..." I said, backing up and seeing the door to the basement open a bit; just enough for Buddy to get through.

Opening the door all the way, I hesitated turning on the light and looking down the stairs, and I had good reason to.

I then shot Buddy an upset grin which caused him to scurry away into hiding, and that was a good thing, because when Mom finds out, she'll be very pissed.

"Yeah, you better hide!" I shout, noticing Ashley was coming down the stairs which was good. I then pointed down the basement stairs and simply said, "Your turn!"

"Buddy!" Ashley said, growing frustrated like me.

"Did he do it again?!" Mom asked, coming into view when she stood in the middle of the doorway.

"Yep." I answered as she shook her head.

She then handed Ashley a paper towel and plastic bag as she went down to the basement to clean up while I entered the kitchen and found Mom making eggs. She asked me what kind of eggs I wanted, and I said any eggs will do.

"Good, cause I'm almost done making scrambled." Mom said as I opened the fridge and pulled out the milk.

Pouring myself a glass, I noticed we were beginning to run low on the beverage, and when I informed Mom, she said that she'll pick some up on her way home from work. Just then, Ashley entered the kitchen and threw the plastic bag away with a disgusted grin.

"Morning, Mom." she said, sitting down at the table as she was given a plate full of pancakes and eggs.

"Here you are, Kate." Mom then placed a plate down before me as I sighed.

"Katie – not Kate. I hate that name." I say, feeling annoyed by being called that.

"Sorry. Here you are, Katie." Mom corrected herself.

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