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I signed the last document needing my approval for the day and dropped my pen on the desk, sighing as I held my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes for a moment before I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called, my voice sounding exhausted even to my own ears.

"Mr. Han," it was Jaehee. She looked concerned as she analyzed my expression, walking towards my desk. "I'm surprised you're still here. It's nearly midnight."

"There's a lot of work to be done this time of year," I answered. "Father takes as much time off as he wants during the holidays but I'd lose my head if I dared take a moment off."

Her expression read 'Which means I do not get a moment off' but she stayed quiet, a strained smile on her lips as she gently placed a pile of envelopes on my desk.

"These all need to go out by the day after tomorrow," she said, turning away as she exited my office. She stood in the doorway for a moment though, as if she was contemplating something.

"Why don't you go home for the night though, Mr. Han? We can handle everything tomorrow and I'm sure Driver Kim is tired waiting too."

Her thoughtfulness managed to coax a small smile from me as I stood from my chair, stretching my arms above my head.

"Only if you head home now too. I will take care of any grief if things are a bit late for tomorrow." Her eyes widened, but she left no time for me to change my mind.

"Thank you, Mr. Han." She left with a small nod. I gathered my things in my briefcase and slung my coat over my arm. It was cold outside but the C&R building was well heated, so I waited until I was in the lobby to put on my coat. I called Driver Kim and waited as the dial tone rang and rang until I was brought to his voicemail box. I hung up without leaving a message and looked up at the large clock in the lobby; five minutes past one am. He was only on call until one so he must have gone home. I took a deep breath before stepping outside into the cold; the wind immediately whipped at my face, painful against my skin. I walked down the street until I reached a more bustling area of the city. It was Friday, technically Saturday now, so it was still fairly lively, many cars and cabs rushing by. I took my place on an especially busy intersection and waited for an empty cab to pass. I hailed the first one I saw but it continued on; it wasn't until four taxis later that I actually opened the door, but that too was interrupted.

"Wait!" A girl stopped me from shutting the door, looking down at me where I sat in the back seat. "Please, let me in. I've been waiting for almost an hour and my hands are just about to freeze off."

I stared at her for a long moment. Her nose and cheeks were flushed a deep rose, her lips chapped, her hair a mess from the wind. I couldn't decide if I should let her in since I didn't want to have to pay for some stranger to go home but a very small part of me felt guilty if I left her to freeze.

"Let's go, people," the cab driver called. I impulsively scooted over in the backseat; her face lit up as she sat down next to me, shutting the door behind her.

"Thank you so much," she breathed. "Thank you so, so much. A friend of mine was supposed to pick me up but she couldn't make it and I couldn't get a cab to stop for my life."

I simply nodded and gave a curt smile. I told the driver my address without asking where the stranger next to me was headed, hoping I could avoid any uncomfortable situations. There was a quiet that settled for a few moments, the heat pouring from the vents the only sound.

"I'm (y/n), by the way," she said, holding her ungloved hand out. I shook her hand (I was taught to always shake someone's hand when they offered it) and could feel the chill even through my gloves.

change of heart | jumin han x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum