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The party
We headed to our rooms and got ready for the party. I did my hair and make up because i wanted to look hot for tonight. I put on this⬇

I headed downstairs and looked at my phone

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I headed downstairs and looked at my phone. It said 9:30. "Dang time fly's by fast". I said getting putting my phone in my clutch. I sat on the couch and wiated for bella. David was already gone so it was just me and bella in the house tonight.

She finally came down the staris looking sexy as hell. I know shes trying to get laid. I know her to well.

"You look good bitch" she said looking at me

"You do too" i said laughing at her little comment

We went outside and got into my car

~~skip car ride~~
We got to the house and it was big. Like there were so many people there it was carzy.

We got out of the car and i saw alot of people from my school. I looked around and saw the grayson dolan and his twin brother. Hes a total fuckboy.
I walked into the house and i could totally tell people have been smoking and drinking alot. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a red cup. I took a sip.
30 minutes later
I felt a little dizzy. I looked around and saw bella holding Ethan's hand. She also looked a mess. Oh no she banged ethan. I started to giggle. Bella came over

"Hey girl. Are u drunk because i really want to get drunk but i kinda dont" she said looking at me

"No lol" i said looking down

"Well do u want to leave" she said

"Sure" i said walking over to the door

We went to my car and headed back home

We got there and i opened the door. I broght bella to her room and walked to my room. Tomorrow is the start of spring break. Yesssss

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