Chapter 1

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 "Sully, I'm not going!"

 "Yes you are. And you are staying there until the end of the day. I am sick of getting letters from the truancy office. Bottom line is you are going, so stop arguing and grab your stuff. I'll be waiting for you in the car and if you are not there in five minutes I will drag you there myself."


 "Biliquis Cassiopeia Drake! Five minutes!"

 I gave up and sighed, crossing my arms and walking into my room. I grabbed my school bag and reached under my mattress, feeling around until I felt the familiar metal and cardboard. I pulled out the pack of cigarettes I had stolen and the silver lighter with a star on it that was apparently my fathers before he died. I stuffed them both in my bag and grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen before stuffing it in my bag as well and heading to the car.

 The car ride there was quiet. We didn't talk or listen to music at all. Just silence. That was until we arrived at the school. 

 "Don't even think of ditching today. It's just one more week. That's it. A week and you won't have to go here ever again."

 "I already know everything they're teaching and with such little time left they're really not teaching anything. It's stupid and pointless."

 "Stop complaining. You're graduating early for your age anyway so just go."

 I sighed and hopped out the car and grabbed my bag.

 "Oh, you're gonna need to find a ride home today. I'm gonna be gone on a business trip for at least a week, maybe longer, but if you ditch school you're in huge trouble when I get back. I'll take your motorcycle away again. By the way the bike keys are in the office in the bottom right drawer." I nodded. "Call me when you get home. Bye." I waved and walked into school.

 I walked to my first period of eight. I already dreaded coming as soon as I set foot in the classroom. "Well look who finally decided to show back up." I rolled my eyes and took a seat. "I assume it was juvie again." I kept my mouth shut the whole period and rushed out the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

 "Billi!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw my smoking buddy standing before me. "Where've you been?" Hayden asked.

 "Not here." I replied.

"Duh. I was gonna head out for a smoke. You coming with?" I nodded. We both wandered the halls until we reached the familiar door to the roof. We waited for the halls to clear when the bell rang and made our way to the roof. 

 We sat on the roof, dangling our feet out over the edge. I grabbed my pack and lighter from my bag while Hayden grabbed his. I put the cigarette between my lips before lighting it and taking a slow breathe in.

 "So, do anything new while you were gone?"

 "Besides getting in trouble for stealing a ring and one of Sully's cigars, no. Not really."

 "Nice. Well you haven't missed much here. Just a couple quizzes here and there and one of the dance girls got with one of the basketball boys in the janitors closet so they got suspended."

 "The guy that was cheating on the cheerleader with the dance girl finally got caught?"

 "Yep, that'd be the one."

 "Bound to happen." I said, scoffing.

 "We also started a book project in English so you might want to get started on that."


 "Oh, SHIT!" Hayden exclaimed, tossing his cigarette on the ground and stomping it out.

 "What?!" I asked, a little concerned.

 "I have a test right now that can't miss. Hate to do this but I gotta leave ya."

 "It's cool. Good luck." I say and Hayden grabbed his bag and left.

 I just sat there thinking. I finished off my cigarette and grabbed another one out of my bag, lighting it. I turned the lighter around in my fingers. I wonder what my life would be like if my dad was still here. I just sat on the roof the rest of the period then finished the school day before walking home.

 When I got home I called Sully and immediately knew something was up. When he answered the phone. "Hello?" He answered, his voice suspicious.

 "Sully? What's up?"

  "Nothing, just work." He answered.



 "Your up to something and-" I stopped when I heard a familiar voice in the background.

 "Sully, you done. We need to get this show on the road."

 "Is that Uncle Nate? What are you and Nate up to? Why didn't you take me if you're seeing Nate? Is Elena there? Can I say hi? Please! I just want to say hi! That's-" I again stopped when I heard something.

 "I-Is that my daughter?" I heard a voice choke out.

 "Both of you shut up!" I heard Sully exclaim.

 "Who was that?" I asked. I then heard the voice again.

 "How is she? Are you taking care of her?"


 "S-Sam?" I choked. "As in my father Samuel Drake?"

 "Ummmm." Sully was speechless.

 "H-He's alive?"

 "I'll call you later kid."

 "NO! I want to speak to him! Sully! SULLY!" The call then ended.

"DAMMIT!" I screamed, throwing the phone on the couch. I ran to Sully's room and started rummaging through his things until I finally found something that might help me. It was a time and place for some kind of auction written in a notepad. I looked up the place and the immediately started heading that way.


"What the hell are you doing here?!" Nate asked as I jumped to the other rooftop and hid, followed by Nate.

"Well I wasn't just gonna not come if I had the chance to see you. Plus, I heard some other things."

"Billi, this is dangerous...Wait, other things. What other things?"

"Sam. I heard my dad's name and...I don't know. I got my hopes up. I know it's stupid."

"We'll talk about it later. Get down. Three guys, two o'clock."

We both were hiding and jumping buildings and getting shot at and the there was the familiar voice.

"Nate!" We both looked over and there was a gun flying in the air and Nate caught it. We jumped and ran and ran until we finally reached Sully at the car. We then took off.

It's In Our Blood {completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang