Throwback Chapter

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The ones that called them selfs my parents had chosen a man for me.
The man that I was supposed to marry. I was supposed to fully give myself to him. To write a contract that my soul and body was his.
Neither me nor my parents met this man before they chose him, they just looked at a picture of him and chose form there.
I didn't get a real impression for the photo. I had learned that I shouldn't judge from a photo, and not before myself have met the person.
He wore a black suit, with a white shirt and tie. He didn't smile, like some of the other's. He just looked...angry.
His face didn't show any expression, it was impossible to guess what he felt. But his eyes showed it all, angriness.
I still don't know why my parents chose him. As I said, he wasn't a man that looked nice.

The first time that I met him, I was first send into a dressing room. There I was told to be quiet and not say anything. I wasn't allowed to have any opinions on what they where going to do.
I sat in a chair while they did my hair incredible beautiful, and they did my makeup. And then they putted on a tight, short, black dress and high heels.
And then I was send into another room. This room barely had any light, but still I could see that it was a big room. Some sofas and chairs where placed in the room, and in the roof hanged see-through-curtains in a purple colour, which made the room split up in smaller 'rooms'.
I spotted a bed on the other side of the room.
And suddenly a man came out from the shadows.
His eyes was focused on my body.
He stopped just in front of me. His eyes went up and down over my body, looked at me, guessing what might exist under that dress of mine.
I bit my lip. I was almost nervous.
He followed my move with his eyes. They suddenly got a look of lust in them.
The look was... hunger and lust.
-"Hello", he said, in almost a whisper.
-"Hello", I said with an even lower voice. I swallowed.
-"You're very beautiful".
I blushed.
He reached out his hands, as if he wanted me to place mine in his.
And, as I had been told, I did what he ordered.
For a moment, he closely watched and studied my hands. His thumbs stroke up and down over my hands.
I enjoyed his move. It was soft and gentle.
He suddenly dragged me towards him, placing one of his arms around my waist.
We stood as close as one possible could stand. Our bodies was pressed together.
His hands stroke up on my back, to my neck, and then down to my ass.
His eyes weren't longer focused on my body, but now on my eyes.
He lifted his hands to my face, and his thumbs stroke over my face. Over my chins, my forehead, my lips.
He studied my lips with his eyes and thumbs, before he gently placed his to mine.
His kiss was first...just simply a kiss.
Before his thirst came in, and he started to kiss me more passionately.
His hands again moved to my ass, and he felt and squeezed.
I could feel his tongue everywhere in my mouth, and I decided to be brave.
I took my hand and placed it on his neck, to push him even closer. The other hand I placed on his back.
I could feel that he was confused for a moment, but he soon decided had he liked it.
He backed, and I followed, without letting each other go.
He turned me around, let me go, and then pushed me back.
I thought that I was going to hit the ground, when I fell down on a grey chaise longue.
He stayed on his feet and removed his black coat and then his white shirt.
His chest was sun tanned and extremely trained.
I couldn't stop look.
He went down over me, and his hands dragged up my dress from me.
He fingered on my black lace lingerie panties.
And then he removed everything from my body, and he removed everything from his body.
His tongue licked from my legs and up to my neck.
I moaned.
Not long after I could feel how he came into me.
Slow, at first, almost like if he was testing my patience.
When I moaned again, he smiled foxy and then he did me.
I screamed out loud, and he did as well.
The chaise longue creaked loud under our moving bodies.
But we weren't done after our first sex.
We switched positions, and he gave me the trust to be up on him.
After that he did me hard in the doggy style.
I almost laughed when I thought that everyone in this building must hear us. But I didn't care. The pleasure was priceless.

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