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Interview with one of my first fans! :D


Name: Lexie

Username: ilovekatnisseverdeen

Meaning behind the username: I LOVE The Hunger Games

1. When did you start writing and why?

I started writing when I was 11 years old because I had a bunch of idea's for book's in my mind so I just thought that I'd write them down. :)

2. What's your favorite genre to write?

Probably Horror, Science Fiction, or Mystery.

3. What inspires you to write?

All the famous authors, My Friends, My Family, what the future might be and what could really be happening to people right now♥

4. How many books have you written, if any and if not, have you written short stories or poetry?

I've written 6 books, and I had not written any poetry or Short Stories.

5. Do you read, write or both?

Both, But I write more. I only read book's if they grab my attention and keep it until the end of the book, and it has a lot of suspention in it!! :D

6. Name your favorite authors(not on wattpad).

Suzanne Collins,Sara Shepard, Elizabeth Chandler and that's all that I can think of right now. Haha:)

7. Name some authors you like on Wattpad and their book you like.

You (Friday13thx3) Only The Strong Survive. Sypha18 Eternal. youngwildandfree Unlit Candle.

8. Do you listen to music when you write?

Yes! All The Time!

9. When you get writer's block how do you overcome it?

I dont know how i come over it so yeah

10. Who are some of your friends on wattpad?

You(Friday13thx3), Sypha18, youngwildandfree, YouthandWhiskey.

11. Do you have a favorite character you created?

Nala! I've created her exactly like me, but she just has a different name!♥

12. Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

Thank You all soooo much for all your Love and Support! You guys mean everything to me! Without you I probably wouldn't be writing my book's. Love you♥!

13. Who is your role model?

Selena Gomez all the way!

Fun Q's

14. Who is your favorite band?


15. What are some of your favorite television shows?

Criminal Minds♥ and Ghost Whisperer.

16. What is your favorite movie?

On March 23rd it will be The Hunger Games!♥ TEAM GALE AND KATNISS!!♥♥

17. Do you want to give any advice to writers out there?

Yeah, Please do not let people tell you that your a bad writer or that you can't write them good because you know what? Everyone can write, its just that some people have different writing abilites. You are all amazing at what you do!♥

18. Any other comments?

Thanks for the Interview! It means a lot! :D

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