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So this is an interview with one of my friends who is an amazing writer in my opinion, so go check out her work when you're done reading this! :D

Name: Cait

Username: Londonandeye

Meaning behind the username: I love London and then a play on words. Instead of LondonandI, I put "eye" as a tribute to The Eye.

1.      When did you start writing and why?

I started writing when I was in my mother's womb.  It was mostly a way to pass the twenty four months that I inhabited it. (I was about three years old and I would create stories along with my dad as bed time stories. I think it was just a way to burn off all my superfluous energy.)

2.      What's your favorite genre to write?

Mostly stories about food. You know, getting dirty with yogurt or lamb chops.  (I love writing horror because it forces me to think differently and it can sometimes be a fun challenge. Also historical fiction because I am just enamored by life in the past.)

3.      What inspires you to write?

Tribal chants are very inspiring. They just give off so much to write about. (When something moves me. I cannot really say what it is but I will just get an idea and then have to write about it. If it intrigues me and I have a need to learn more about the topic, it usually turns into a story of at least a poem. )

4.      How many books have you written, if any and if not, have you written short stories or poetry?

I have written 3.14159 books, 169 short stories and poems are for those who cannot spell. (Not counting all the stories I did when I was little, I have completed one book that is about two hundred pages, a few short stories a lot of poems. But I am also currently working on several books that are just not finished.)

5.      Do you read, write or both?

I am unable to read sadly. Writing is not something I partake in because it weakens the mind. (I love to read and there is hardly a day where I do not read at least a few chapters in a book before bed. Yes, I do write as you can tell haha but noy only books/poems but also in a journal that turns into rants.)

6.      Name your favorite authors(not on wattpad)

Karry HIlside. (Poe, Shakespeare, James Patterson, Cornwell, Pound…oh god the list goes on and on that I had to pick a few haha)

7.      Name some authors you like on Wattpad and their book you like.

The only writer I like is Londonandeye. (AutumnBr33z3 : Murdering Monsters)

8.      Do you listen to music when you write?

What is music? Is it the devils toy?  (All the time. I cannot concentrate without the strum of a guitar or beat of the drum banging in my ears.  )

9.      When you get writer's block how do you overcome it?

I am too good for writers block that I punch it out the second it tries to invade my mind. (I usually work on another story because that just gets my mind pumping or I read. )

10.  Who are some of your friends on wattpad?

I don't have any friends! I am a loser! *cries hysterically* (Friday13thx3 {yes, that is you…or is it?}and Zephie as they are my friends from real life. But I also talk a bit with DanielleTheIrish. )

11.   Do you have a favorite character you created?

I created the Harry the Hanukah Bush. (Hm…not an overall favorite character. It is fun to write Finlay in Mary Kings Close as he is such a spoilsport at the start but then you really see a transformation in his attitude as the book goes on. So it is fun to write that and put myself in that mindset. But I also really like writing Adam in Together: Apart because of his immaturity and it is just a time to let my freak flag fly with comedy. )    

12.   Do you have anything you want to say to your fans?

You suck! (Just kidding that would be horrible to say! I love you all and literally could not have been where I am today without your support. Thank you so much J )

13.  Who is your role model?

Michael Jackson. I want to change my skin tone and be a child…. (Joey Kramer (drummer for aerosmith) because his whole life he was beat down by his father but with his moral strength he was able to 'rise up from the ashes' and bloom into your own. I look up to him for that…plus he is a great drummer with brilliant talent.  But really anybody in the music industry .)

Fun Q's

14.  Who is your favorite band?

Rubber band. ( Ronan Parke, 1D, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Beatles, Elton John, Queen, Flogging Molly, The Dubliners, Kinks, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, The Libertines, Oasis, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones, Ritchie Valens, Sex Pistols, T. Rex, The Wombats and the Arctic Monkeys.  Other than writing, music is my life.)

15.  What are some of your favorite television shows?

Teletubbies and Barney. I am not allowed to watch big kid shows. (Skins, Misfits, Castle, Bones, Spy, Whites…..ahhhh holy crud the list is so massive that is is embarrassing how many shows I watch.)

16.  What is your favorite movie?

Freddie Got Fingered. (Gangs of New York, The Omen, Billy Elliot, Titanic…so many more.)

17.  Do you want to give any advice to writers out there?

Steal from others. That is the only way you will ever have success. (No, don't do that unless you have to end up in jail. Don't give up. Even if you think people may not like your work, even if you never plan on showing people your work; still write it. Writing is something for you, so who gives a crud if someone doesn't like your work? If you enjoy writing then that is all that matters.)

18.  Any other comments?

 Ducks fly together


A/N- As you can tell she is VERY sarcastic! But what's what i love about her! So go and check out her page and stories!! :D

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