My FT Fanfiction Ideas

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These are some of my Fanfiction ideas and some of them could contain lemon and/or gore. I am not a fan of Lucy and Nalu so none of them would be Nalu and it could be that Lucy would be an enemy or something like that. ( I am sorry if characters you like would be portrait as bad person or Oc like. )

I.   My first idea would be with a female Natsu. There would be the matter that Natsu and Lucy both like Gray but Natsu is not saying anything cause she don’t want to hurt Lucy. That is why Lucy makes it look like that Natsu did a bad thing to her and most/everyone believes Lucy. Natsu will be kicked out of FT and after that she gets captured. …   ( May/will contain END)

II.  My second idea would be where Natsu will be not frozen in time and after seven years the Tenrou group will meet him. They will meet him and his child/children. ( just a little cute idea but didn’t think it through )

I don’t know if I will write them sometime or if I will write one. But I will think of other ideas and will post them. Also everyone is allowed to use any of these ideas and if someone will use them please send me a message so that I can read the fanfiction.

Some of my FT Fanfiction ideasWhere stories live. Discover now